Disengagement from the state – the perspective of Russian regions


This project aims at identifying the patterns and deepening knowledge on factors influencing the spatial diversity of economic, social and political practices of population which are manifestations of disengagement from the state in post-communist countries. The research will focus on studying Russia – the biggest and one of the most internally diverse countries in the world.
Disengagement from the state is understood as the process of limiting interactions between the society and the state and its institutions. It concerns various spheres of contact between the state and the society and may be characterized by a range of economic, social and political practices of population. The research hypothesis assumes that significant regional differences as regards intensity and pattern of coexistence of disengagement practices are observed in Russia, in particular differences between regions differing in the degree of autonomy within the Russian Federation, level of peripherality and ethnic composition are visible.
The study will employ various quantitative methods of multidimensional comparative analysis (based on secondary data from various sources), inter alia, composite index construction, cluster analysis, regression and correlation analysis. Conclusions drawn from the quantitative data analysis will be complemented by the results of a qualitative study. As a comparative case study two regions representing different types as regards the intensity and pattern of disengagement will be chosen. In frames of the field study in-depth semi-structured interviews with local experts will be conducted.


2014 - 2016

Source of funding

National Science Center, PRELUDIUM
