Migrants from Poland in Germany – cultural aspects


Project „Migrants from Poland in Germany – cultural aspects ” is aimed at gaining a broad, comprehensive view of cultural participation of German inhabitants of Polish descent and identifying themselves with Polish culture. The project’s research problems constitute two fundamental areas: the diagnosis of Polish migrants’ cultural participation in Germany and the diagnosis of the presence of Polish culture in German public sphere. The applied research model is based on, both, desk research and fieldwork. Integration of qualitative and quantitative research techniques will make it possible to build a comprehensive view of analyzed cultural phenomena. Due to absence of such analysis in the literature the project may be described as novel in contemporary humanistic research.

The project’s outcomes will be multiple. First, thanks to a novel research scope a gap in knowledge on the Polish migrants in Germany and the dynamics and consequences of Polish migration to Germany will be filled. Second, due to interdisciplinary research methods the project will enable to formulate a multilevel diagnosis of various aspects of the Polish migrants’ cultural participation in Germany and the presence of Polish culture in German public sphere. Third, the direct outcome of the project will be a series of detailed reports and a final research report. The reports will be available at the project’s website. Furthermore, the project’s results will be promoted and disseminated in articles published in Polish, German and international scientific journals. Last but not least, an expert report for Polish and German public administration will be prepared. The expert’s report will summarize research results and present recommendation for supporting Polish migrants’ cultural participation in Germany from, both, sending and receiving countries’ perspectives.


2016 - 2017

Source of funding

Polish-German Foundation for Science
