Participation of Polish diaspora in state elections since 1989


Main scientific purpose of the project is to analyze the process of electoral participation of Polish diaspora in the state elections since political transition started in 1989 until present. It will be based on comprehensive and coherent approach including analysis the data of electoral results, the study of legal system related to voting from abroad, electoral campaigns and media discourse in the context of dynamics of emigration of Poles before and after Poland’s accession to the EU.
The main research questions include: what are the dynamics of electoral participation of Poles from abroad after 1989? What are the main determinants having impact on dynamic increase noticeable in elections 2005-2010 and decrease again in 2011? If and how the activities of political parties and candidates have influenced the interest in voting among Poles residing abroad? Is system of elections related to participation in state elections from abroad an encouraging or discouraging factor (also in comparison with the system implemented in other countries)? how the system could be improved to ensure higher level of interest and participation in elections of citizens residing abroad?


2012 - 2015

Source of funding

National Science Center, SONATA
