Przejdź do głównej treści Przejdź do nawigacji
Centre of Migration Research

Katarzyna Andrejuk.

Migracja lekarzy czy migracja, aby zostać lekarzem? Kraje pochodzenia i trajektorie kariery cudzoziemskiej kadry medycznej w Polsce


The article describes vocational trajectories of migrant doctors who work in Poland. A typology of careers is introduced. It encompasses three models: migrants who graduate from Polish medical schools, migrants from third (non-EU) countries who come to work in Poland after graduation, and “intra-European” migrants, who benefit from the free movement of workers and services in the European Union. The statistical part situates the discussed issues in the macro-sociological context, demonstrating the main countries of origin, countries of medical education and frequency of naturalization. The qualitative study focuses on a description of individual motivations for migration and work in Poland. The study indicates that in the case of labor migration the reasons for international mobility include (also) non-economic, cultural factors, for example reluctance to work in the grey market in the sending country, where low official income is compensated by bribe


migration of health professionals, brain drain, highly skilled migrants