Przejdź do głównej treści Przejdź do nawigacji
Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami

Wojciech Łukowski. 2005.

Wyjazdy sezonowe do Niemiec – próba wyjaśnienie ich społecznego sensu


Przegląd Polonijny, zeszyt 3/2005 (117) | s. 45-58


As social action, seasonal migration has important outcomes not only for migrants themselves but also for their direct social environments and sending local communities. These consequences can be divided into intended and unintended ones. Only an approach that combines both can lead us to conclusions about the sense of that paricular social action. It is crucial here to treat that agency and social actors as part of a transaction cluster. The category of transaction cluster helps to clarify the dynamics of social space where actors are increasingly entering into exchange relations between themselves rather that adapting themselves to "rules of the field" (Bourdieu) as it used to be. The article attempts to explain how these clusters operate in small town setting from where seasonal migrants come from. Empirical studies helped to distinguish two types of clusters. The first is directed towards risks diffusion, the second helps individuals un the process of capitals conversion. In the case of seasonal migration the first type tends to dominate, with second one occupying a rather marginal role.