dr Anzhela Popyk

dr Anzhela Popyk

Mgr. Anzhela Popyk – is a researcher in the scientific project entitled “Diaspora policy in the context of post-accession migration. Comparative analysis of Poland, Lithuania and Hungary”, realized at the Center of Migration Research, University of Warsaw.

Anzhela graduated from English Philology in SWPS, Warsaw. Since 2017 has been a doctoral student at the University SWPS. She has been writing her thesis entitled “The Role of Socialization Agents in Transnational Transitions and Formation of Sense of Belonging Among Migrant Children in Poland”. She is also a researcher at the Youth Research Center (SWPS). Her research interests are – migration studies, childhood studies, multilingualism and multiculturalism among both adults and children, ethnic minorities and diaspora policy, migration policy.



Popyk A. (2020), The impact of distance learning on the social practices of schoolchildren during the COVID-19 pandemic: reconstructing values of migrant children in Poland, European Societies, https://doi.org/10.1080/14616696.2020.1831038

Popyk A., Pustułka P., Trąbka A. (2019), Theorizing Belonging of Migrant Children and Youth at a Meso-Level, “Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny”, 1 (171): 235–255. DOI: 10.4467/25444972SMPP.19.011.10261

Popyk A., Perkowska-Klejman A. (2019), Critical Analysis of the National Curricula Through Hofstede’s 4-D Model, Society Register, Vol. 3 no. 4 pp. 115-136. ISSN 2544–5502. DOI: 10.14746/sr.2019.3.4.07

Popyk A., Buler M. (2018), Theorizing childhood: migrant children in contemporary Poland – a literature review. In: Społeczne i gospodarcze skutki migracji: analiza wybranych aspektów. Lublin: Wydawnictwo Naukowe TYGEL, pp. 34-49.


Research projects:

  1. PRELUDIUM 18- “The Role of Socialization Agents in Transnational Transitions and Formation of Sense of Belonging Among Migrant Children in Poland”
  2. Transition to motherhood across three generations of Poles. Intergenerational longitudinal study [GEMTRA]
  3. Mother 360 degrees – A journey to motherhood in contemporary Poland according to experts
  4. School peer violence and entering adulthood: reconstructing and evaluating the meaning of bullying in the process of transition. BULTRA (bullying & transitions)

Social profiles

Selected publications

Research projects