dr Piotr Koryś

dr Piotr Koryś

Piotr Koryś is an economist and historian, an Assistant Professor at the Chair of Economic History at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University. In 2004 he earned PhD in economics at the Warsaw University with thesis entitled: “Prawicowa modernizacja. Polityka gospodarcza w ideologii Narodowej Demokracji w latach 1918-1926” (Rightist Modernization? Economic Policy in the Ideology of Polish Nationalist Political Movement 1918-1926).

His research focuses on globalization, international migration and citizenship issues, the history of intersections of nationalism and modernization in 20th century Poland and the process of transition from communism in Central-Eastern Europe. In 2002 and 2003 he was awarded the Scholarship for Young Researchers granted by the Polish Science Foundation, and in 2006 Scholarship of Polityka weekly “Zostańcie z nami” (Stay with us).

He is a member of Executive Board of Polskie Forum Obywatelskie (Polish Civic Forum) and an expert of Instytut Jagielloński (Jagiellonian Institute). He also cooperates Ośrodek Myśli Politycznej (Centre for Political Thought) and Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej (Center for Citizenship Education).

He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Central and Eastern European Migration Review.

Selected publications