Active Ageing and Social, Cultural and Economic Integration of Migrants and Minority Ethnic Elders (AAMEE)


The project was addressed to selected academic institutions from EU countries. Main goal of the project was to prepare proposal on best practices in field of integration of immigrant and ethic groups ageing population for local governors and NGO sector authorities, as well exchange of information and experiences between European countries refer to active ageing persons in this group. Report of the project contain characteristics public institution, non-governmental bodies and implemented by this bodies integration programs, as well presentation of leading research centers, experts and academic literature refer elders in intercultural relations and immigration to Poland. Basically report was focused on migrants belonging to old autochthonic groups, officially accepted in Poland as national and ethnical minorities, as well foreign returned expatriate and refugees.


2008 - 2008

Source of funding

co-founded by Directorate General for Employment and Social Affairs and Ministry of Intergeneration, Family, Female and Integration in North Westfal and Nadrenia