CrossMigration – Current European and Cross-National Comparative Research and Research Actions on Migration


Through CrossMigration, IMISCOE, Europe’s largest network of scholars in migration and integration, wants to help scholars, policy makers and others interested in the field. CrossMigration supports the systematic accumulation of knowledge in migration studies. The systematic approach to data collection and knowledge accumulation will promote and facilitate dialogue between researchers and policy stakeholders at the national and European level, and a clearer understanding of why and how migration occurs, who migrates and the effect of policy on these questions.

The Migration Research Hub, aims to be the go-to resource for finding knowledge on migration, from the latest literature to the most appropriate topical experts. The taxonomy of migration studies developed through this project allows everyone to identify opportunities for collaboration and new research projects across disciplines and geographies. The wealth of data gathered through the project will form the basis for developing a cross-national strategic research agenda for migration.



Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)


2018 - 2020

Source of funding

Horyzont 2020


Centrum voor Migratie en Interculturele Studies, University of Antwerp (CeMIS)

Danube University Krems

Deutsche Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (DeZIM)

Institute de Geografia e Ordenamento de Território, Universidade de Lisboa

International Centre for Migration Policy Development, Vienna (ICMPD)

International Organisation for Migration – Global Migration Data Analysis Center (IOM-GMDAC), Berlin

European University Institute (EUI), Florence

Migration Policy Group Brussels

Migration Policy Institute Europe, Brussels (MPI Europe)

National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris (CNRS)

Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI), The Hague

Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)

Verona University