In our aging societies elderly care becomes one of major social concerns, especially in light of intensive outmigration. A new book by Centre of Migration Research researchers Agnieszka Radziwinowiczówna, Anna Rosińska and Weronika Kloc-Nowak gives insights into how the physical distance challenges the family-centered elderly care, by juxtaposing transnational families with non-migrant families. The authors offer ethnomorality of care as a novel approach to research moral beliefs concerning care, as well as intentions and practical care arrangements, engaging various actors of care (kin and non-kin carers, market, public and non-governmental institutions). The book is a result of CMR’s MIG/AGEING research project conducted under the leadership of Prof. Marek Okólski and funded by NCN Maestro grant (grant number 2013/08/A/HS4/00602).
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