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Centre of Migration Research

Marta Anacka. 2008.

Najnowsze migracje z Polski w świetle danych Badania Aktywności Ekonomicznej Ludności


CMR Working Papers, Nr 36(94)


During last decade Poland has been experiencing large outflow of Polish people intensified after 1 May 2004. This paper contains an in-depth analysis of latest migration from Poland with major focus on the accession of Poland to the European Union and its effect on propensity to migrate. Three levels of analysis traditionally present in the literature on migration issues are concerned i.e. macro-level, meso-level and micro-level. Quantitative approach based on concepts of selectivity of migration (Migration Selectivity Index) and social capital (Social Capital for Migration Index) as well as on econometric model for binary dependent variable proved that pre- and postaccession migrants are significantly different. Post-accession outflow seems to be driven mainly by changes in the access to the labour market in United Kingdom and Ireland, however social networks still remain one of key factors of the phenomenon. Analysis is based on data from Labour Force Survey 1999-2006 (BAEL) adapted to resolve migration issues.