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Centre of Migration Research

Agata Górny. 2005.

Wybrane zagadnienia podejścia jakościowego w badaniach nad migracjami międzynarodowymi


Przegląd Polonijny, zeszyt 3/2005 (117) | pages: 155-170


The article aims to demonstrate the role that qualitative approach can play in international migration studies. It argues that, in research on international mobility, qualitative approach should not be considered as inferior to quantitative approach, but as equally important and sometimes complementary. The article addresses main differences between qualitative and quantitative approaches. It also presents qualitative research techniques and methods that can be especially useful in migration field. Advantages of qualitative research techniques an methods particularly stressedd include: flexibility and the fact that they give a possibility to include the context of the observed phenomena. In its concluding section, the article also poses that combination of qualitative and quantitative approach seems to be the most promising approach in the field of international migration.