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Centre of Migration Research

Kamila Kowalska, Andrea Pelliccia. 2012.

Wykwalifikowane imigrantki z Polski na włoskim rynku pracy: case study w prowincji Rzymu


Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, Polska Akademia Nauk, 2012 (145) | pages: 73-110

K. Kowalska, A. Pelliccia, Wykwalifikowane imigrantki z Polski na włoskim rynku pracy: case study w prowincji Rzymu, Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa, Rok XXXVIII – 2012 (145).

This article aims at studying the mobility of Polish highly skilled female workers who live in Italy, and at analysing their integration into the society and the labour market, with particular reference to the problem of brain waste. Using the biographical approach we analyse the reasons for migration from a transnational perspective. We highlight the active role of the Polish social network that explains the high presence of Polish people in Rome, determined by more than purely economic reasons. Eventually, in the light of brain waste, we try to understand the role of the academic and career paths by looking into possible problems related to the adequate utilisation of professional competences and acknowledgement of the level of educational attainment.