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Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami

Call for Expressions of Interest in Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships


Call for Expressions of Interest in Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships

The Centre of Migration Research at the University of Warsaw invites expressions of interest from outstanding postdoctoral researchers wishing to pursue their research under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF) framework in migration studies field.

Who are we?
The Centre of Migration Research (CMR) is an interdisciplinary inter-faculty research unit of the University of Warsaw, specialising in studies on migration processes. Currently 58 researchers are affiliated with the CMR; among them 11 professors and 28 researchers holding a PhD degree. Academic and research activities of the CMR are conducted within three research units:
•           Economics of Migration,
•           Integration and Ethnic Relations,
•           Migration Policies.
The CMR has conducted national and European projects on various aspects of migration in Poland, Europe and beyond. Since the early 1990s, the CMR has participated in the SOPEMI Project, monitoring the migration trends in Poland and other countries of the OECD. As of 2007, the CMR is a member of IMISCOE Research Network (till 2009 known as IMISCOE Network of Excellence), which associates leading European institutions in migration research.
The CMR is based at the University of Warsaw (UW), the largest university in Poland, and a leader in high quality teaching and research. It is also one of the top higher education institutions in Central and Eastern Europe. University of Warsaw is listed among the top 3% of the World-Class Universities, and is recognised by prestigious international rankings such as the Academic Ranking of World Universities (AKA Shanghai Ranking).

What do we offer?
We offer a stimulating research environment. The CMR will provide selected MSCA-IF grant applicants with supervision in the following areas of expertise:
•            Theories in migration studies,
•            Research methods in migration studies,
•            Determinants of migration decisions on different analytical levels,
•            Causes and consequences of emigration,
•            Immigrants on the labour market,
•            Formation, development and integration of immigrant groups,
•            Migration policies,
•            Political and social participation of immigrants,
•            Diaspora policies and practices.

Whom are we looking for?
We are looking for PhD holders in the Social Sciences with a focus on migration. Preference will be given to candidates with excellent track records and working on topics within the CMR’s areas of expertise.

Expression of interest
Interested applicants should send an expression of interest by May 30th 2018 to dr Justyna Salamońska The expression of interest should include 1) a CV, 2) a research proposal no longer than 2,000 words, and 3) a cover letter outlining why the applicant wishes to apply with the CMR. The review of expressions of interest will take place by June 15th 2018. MSCA-IF proposal will be prepared by selected applicants in liaison with the supervisor based at the CMR. The application deadline for full proposals to be submitted to the European Commission is September 12th 2018.
In case of questions please contact dr Justyna Salamońska (

Additional information
About Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships support the career development and training of excellent researchers via international mobility. MSCA-IF allow developing research potential offering attractive working conditions. Selection criteria for the MSCA-IF are research quality, career development prospects, and support of the hosting institute.
Eligible candidates are experienced researchers (possessing a doctoral degree or at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience), of any nationality, who have not resided in Poland for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior the call deadline.
The MSCA-IF call can be consulted here.
Widening Fellowships provide additional funding for MSCA-IF based in host institutions in widening countries (Poland included).
The Widening Fellowships call can be consulted here.