Ignacy Jóźwiak is a sociologist and social anthropologist (ethnologist). He graduated from the University of Warsaw and the Graduate School for Social Research at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. His research is centered around state borders and borderlands with particular focus on the Eastern borders of the EU countries and labor migration with particular focus on migration from Ukrainiane. He is interested in the phenomena of transnationality and translocality, migrants’ position in the receiving countries’ labor markets and immigrant organisations. At the CMR since 2014, he has also cooperated with the Institute of Public Affairs in Warsaw, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen and the Centre for Migration Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
Selected publications
Olena Fedyuk,
Kseniya Homel,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Marta Kindler,
Kamila Kowalska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Maciej Tygielski,
Decent domestic work : women working in Poland under the Special Law
Olena Fedyuk,
Kseniya Homel,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Marta Kindler,
Kamila Kowalska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Maciej Tygielski,
From temporariness to stability : a holistic approach to the employment of women covered by the special law in Poland
Olena Fedyuk,
Kamila Kowalska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Marta Kindler,
Maciej Tygielski,
Kseniya Homel,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Long-term inclusionary agenda on decent work in low-wage sectors in Italy: how to combat exploitation of women under temporary protection directive in domestic and agricultural sectors.
Olena Fedyuk,
Kseniya Homel,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Marta Kindler,
Kamila Kowalska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Maciej Tygielski,
Fair work in the fields? : Ukrainian women working in agriculture in Poland
Kamila Fiałkowska,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Elżbieta Mirga-Wójtowicz,
Sonia Styrkacz,
Monika Szewczyk,
Romani dar and Romano marbien pało Roma1 . Between fear and agency – (un)equal citizenships two years into fullscale war in Ukraine
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Kseniya Homel,
Kamila Kowalska,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Maciej Tygielski,
Ukrainian Refugees in Poland: Identity and Experiences
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Aqui éa Ucrânia! Ukraine and the global community of the oppressed
Kamila Fiałkowska,
Michał P. Garapich,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Elżbieta Mirga-Wójtowicz,
Sonia Styrkacz,
Monika Szewczyk,
Anti-paćiw of Gadje academia, Ficowski’s shadow and what to do about it – exercises in reciprocal ethnography and decolonizing the Polish Romani studies
Marcin Gońda,
Michał Nowosielski,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Poland’s support for Polish Studies units abroad – a tool of public diplomacy or diaspora policy?
Marcin Gońda,
Michał Nowosielski,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Between international academic relations and diaspora policy: rethinking the role of Polish studies abroad
Monika Szewczyk,
Elżbieta Mirga-Wójtowicz,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
The Internet and Transnational Polish Roma Families in a Time of Pandemic
Kamila Fiałkowska,
Michał P. Garapich,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Elżbieta Mirga-Wójtowicz,
Sonia Styrkacz,
Monika Szewczyk,
Romani Chronicles Of Covid-19. Testimonies Of Harm And Resilience
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Polskie wyspy w morzu różnorodności. Przypadek dwóch organizacji imigranckich w Holandii
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Navigating the opportunities and constraints. Migration as a local response to non-local political developments
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Elżbieta Mirga-Wójtowicz,
Sonia Styrkacz,
Monika Szewczyk,
Stay calm and beshen khere. Internet i transnarodowa intensyfikacja życia polskich Romów w czasie pandemii COVID-19
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Alexandra Levitas,
Who will care for the (Ukrainian) carers?
Kamila Fiałkowska,
Michał P. Garapich,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Elżbieta Mirga-Wójtowicz,
Sonia Styrkacz,
Monika Szewczyk,
The deeper meaning of making pierogi online
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Temporality and agency in the light of precarity concept. Lessons from the studies of Ukraine to Poland labour migration.
Michał Nowosielski,
Marcin Gońda,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Ośrodki polonoznawcze w Europie i Ameryce Północnej. Analiza stanu obecnego oraz rekomendacje działań wspierających
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Cross-border links at the boundaries of the European Union: an ethnography of mobility, work, and citizenship in uncertain times
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
María Sánchez-Domínguez,
Daniel Sorando,
Mainstreaming by Accident in the New-Migration Countries: The Role of NGOs in Spain and Poland
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Maria Piechowska,
Crisis-driven Mobility between Ukraine and Poland. What Does the Available Data (Not) Tell Us
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Mobility, work and citizenship in uncertain times. An ethnography of cross-border links at the boundaries of the European Union
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Ethnicity, Labour and Mobility in the Contemporary Borderland. A Case Study of a Transcarpathian Township
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Mainstreaming in practice. The efficiencies and defficiencies of mainstreaming in Poland
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Magdalena Lesińska,
Joanna Nestorowicz,
The Politics of Mainstreaming Immigrant Integration Policies Case study of Poland
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Ethnicity, Labour and Mobility in the Contemporary Borderland. A Case Study of a Transcarpathian Township
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Negotiating the Territory in a Transcarpathian Urban-type settlement
Mirosław Bieniecki,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Anna Piłat,
Justyna Segeš Frelak,
Kinga Wysieńska,
Migracje społeczności azjatyckich na świecie i do Polski – stan badań i opracowania na temat wybranych krajów
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
„Nowa” imigracja z Chin i Wietnamu a społeczności lokalne – Jaworzno i Wólka Kosowska
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Anna Romanowicz,
Cudzoziemiec jako pracownik i pracodawca. Integracja na poznańskim rynku pracy
Caglar Ayse,
Kornélia Hires-László,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Tibor Sillo,
Circular Migration Patterns between Ukraine and Hungary