PhD in social sciences (political science and administration, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, UW), associated with OBM UW since 2014. Principal investigator of two research grants funded by the National Science Centre (Preludium and Etiuda), co-author and researcher in several national and international research projects. In 2019-2020 he held two research fellowships in Budapest (Central European University) and Berlin (Humboldt University), related to the problems of his PhD thesis (policy in the area of international migration to the home care sector). Author and co-author of more than 30 works, published as peer-reviewed articles, monographs, reports or working papers. His interests focus on issues of contemporary labour mobility (posting of workers, seasonal workers), the migration industry, migration policies, ageing society and long-term care.
Selected publications
Olena Fedyuk,
Kseniya Homel,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Marta Kindler,
Kamila Kowalska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Maciej Tygielski,
Decent domestic work : women working in Poland under the Special Law
Olena Fedyuk,
Kseniya Homel,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Marta Kindler,
Kamila Kowalska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Maciej Tygielski,
From temporariness to stability : a holistic approach to the employment of women covered by the special law in Poland
Olena Fedyuk,
Kamila Kowalska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Marta Kindler,
Maciej Tygielski,
Kseniya Homel,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Long-term inclusionary agenda on decent work in low-wage sectors in Italy: how to combat exploitation of women under temporary protection directive in domestic and agricultural sectors.
Olena Fedyuk,
Kseniya Homel,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Marta Kindler,
Kamila Kowalska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Maciej Tygielski,
Fair work in the fields? : Ukrainian women working in agriculture in Poland
Nathan Lillie,
Anita Brzozowska,
Kairit Kall,
Justyna Salamońska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Transgovernmental Labour Standards Enforcement in a Pan-European Labour Market: An Arms Race Between Institutional Alignment and Regulatory Arbitrage
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Sara Bojarczuk,
The evolution of the migration industry – how have employers been supported in sourcing their workforce?
Dominika Pszczółkowska,
Sara Bojarczuk,
Maciej Duszczyk,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Emilia Szyszkowska,
Did Covid-19 make things worse? The pandemic as a push factor stimulating the emigration intentions of junior doctors from Poland: A mixed methods study
Maciej Tygielski,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Kseniya Homel,
Ustawodawstwo o ochronie tymczasowej i jak wykorzystać potencjał migrantek na rynku pracy: dobre praktyki i rekomendacje
Karolina Łukasiewicz,
Ewa Cichocka,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
A missed opportunity: Local welfare systems’ responses to marginalized migration in the COVID-19 context
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Kseniya Homel,
Kamila Kowalska,
Ignacy Jóźwiak,
Maciej Tygielski,
Ukrainian Refugees in Poland: Identity and Experiences
Maciej Duszczyk,
Dominika Pszczółkowska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Sara Bojarczuk,
Will we lose our doctors? Migration plans of Polish medical students
Kamila Fiałkowska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Monika Szulecka,
Agricultural exceptionalism, migrant farmworkers and the pandemic – evidence from Poland as a new immigrant destination country
Sara Bojarczuk,
Maciej Duszczyk,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Dominika Pszczółkowska,
Plany migracyjne studentów uczelni medycznych oraz ich faktyczna realizacja. Czy naprawdę wyjadą?
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Justyna Salamońska,
Anita Brzozowska,
Posting infrastructure: the example of the cross-border home care sector
Simone Leiber,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Verena Rossow,
Private labor market intermediaries in the Europeanized live-in care market between Germany and Poland: A typology
Magdalena Nowicka,
Susanne Bartig,
Theresa, Schwass,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
COVID-19 Pandemic and Resilience of the Transnational Home-Based Elder Care System between Poland and Germany
Maciej Duszczyk,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
The Employment of Foreigners in Poland and the Labour Market Situation
Maciej Duszczyk,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Bezpieczeństwo na rynku pracy jako perspektywa teoretyczna w badaniach nad migracjami zarobkowymi
Anita Brzozowska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Justyna Salamońska,
Koordynacja systemów zabezpieczenia społecznego przy delegowaniu pracowników z Polski – wyzwania i proponowane rozwiązania
Anita Brzozowska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Justyna Salamońska,
Social security coordination in the posting of workers from Poland: Identifying challenges and proposing solutions
Anita Brzozowska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Justyna Salamońska,
Anna Siwierska,
Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the posting of workers: Poland Country Report
Karolina Łukasiewicz,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Ewa Cichocka,
What if the migration does not quite work as planned?
Kamila Fiałkowska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Safe and fruitful? Structural vulnerabilities in the experience of seasonal migrant workers in agriculture in Germany and Poland.
Justyna Salamońska,
Anita Brzozowska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Posting of workers from the Polish perspective – overview and most recent trends
Kairit Kall,
Anita Brzozowska,
Nathan Lillie,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Justyna Salamońska,
REGIONAL CASE STUDY From Ukraine to Finland and Estonia via Poland: Migration and posting of third country nationals. Work package 4
Magdalena Lesińska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
The activity of regional authorities facing migration processes in the context of demographic changes: The case of three Polish voivodships
Maciej Duszczyk,
Magdalena Lesińska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Upolitycznienie problemu starzenia się społeczeństwa w Polsce. Teoria i praktyka
Magdalena Lesińska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Regionalna polityka demograficzna na przykładzie trzech wybranych województw
Maciej Duszczyk,
Magdalena Lesińska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Upolitycznienie starzenia się społeczeństwa – perspektywa polityki (policy) i polityków (politics)
Maciej Duszczyk,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Migration in the 21st century from the perspective of CEE countries – an opportunity or a threat?