Graduate of political science (in the field of social prevention and resocialisation, legal and criminological profile) at the University of Warsaw. Since 2007 she has been an working as an affiliate at the Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, and since 2015 she has been an employee of the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She has participated in a number of national or international research projects focused on economic adaptation of migrants, functioning of irregular migrants in Poland and in other countries, irregular migration and threats linked to migration (such as forced labour), the functioning of border crossings and migration-related criminal phenomena. She is an expert of the Foundation of the Centre of Migration Research. Between 2008 and 2018 she participated in the editorial team of „Migration Bulletin”. Between 2011 and 2013 she coordinated postgraduate studies for border guards. Occasionally, she gives lectures or training for participants of postgraduate studies or practitioners representing institutions responsible for implementation of migration policy in Poland. She participates in Polish or international scientific conferences dedicated to the topics of legal aspects of migration.
Her scientific interests relate to the topic of migrants’ functioning in Poland, economic migration, migration and asylum policy, as well as the prevention of irregular migration and undeclared work of foreigners. In her scientific activities she concentrates mostly on the practical aspects of law implementation, especially with regard to entry, stay and work of foreigners, as well as application of selected criminal law provisions in the context of migration processes.
Selected publications
Marta Kindler,
Monika Szulecka,
Messy Arrangements? A Social Networks Perspective on Migrant Labor Brokerage: The Case of Ukrainian Migration to Poland
Kamila Fiałkowska,
Kamil Matuszczyk,
Monika Szulecka,
Agricultural exceptionalism, migrant farmworkers and the pandemic – evidence from Poland as a new immigrant destination country
Karolina Sobczak-Szelc,
Marta Pachocka,
Konrad Pędziwiatr,
Justyna Szałańska,
Monika Szulecka,
From Reception to Integration of Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Poland
Monika Szulecka,
(Nie)oczywiste związki przemysłu migracyjnego z przestępczością
Witold Klaus,
Monika Szulecka,
Extending the net: from securitisation to civicisation of migration control
Monika Szulecka,
Witold Klaus,
Katarzyna Strąk,
Poza programem czy zgodnie z programem? Refleksje po pięciu latach obowiązywania „Europejskiego programu w zakresie migracji
Monika Szulecka,
Witold Klaus,
Who Assists Irregular Migrants in Poland and at What Cost? A Court Files’ Analysis of Convictions of Facilitating Unauthorised Stay of Migrants
Witold Klaus,
Monika Szulecka,
The judiciary power of discretion in sanctioning the facilitation of unauthorised stay in Poland
Monika Szulecka,
Border Management and Migration Controls in Poland
Monika Szulecka,
Karolina Sobczak-Szelc,
Marta Pachocka,
Poland – Legal and Policy Framework of Migration Governance (a Brief Summary/Few Remarks)
Monika Szulecka,
Marta Pachocka,
Karolina Sobczak-Szelc,
Poland – Legal and Policy Framework of Migration Governance
Witold Klaus,
Monika Szulecka,
Migracje nieudokumentowane
Aleksandra Grzymała-Kazłowska,
Renata Stefańska,
Monika Szulecka,
Różnice i podobieństwa w integracji migrantów o różnym statusie prawnym
Marta Kindler,
Monika Szulecka,
Economic dimension of integration
Izabela Grabowska,
Monika Szulecka,
Undocumented foreign workers in the Polish labour market
Monika Szulecka,
Policy towards irregular migrants
Monika Szulecka,
Admission policy for foreigners in Poland
Magdalena Lesińska,
Renata Stefańska,
Monika Szulecka,
Development of migration policies of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland – on the way to maturity
Monika Szulecka,
‘The right’ to be exploited? Vietnamese in Poland
Marta Kindler,
Monika Szulecka,
The economic integration of Ukrainian and Vietnamese Women in the Polish labour market
Natalia Klorek,
Monika Szulecka,
Migrant Economic Institutions and Their Environmental Influence: A Case Study of Trade Centres Located in Wolka Kosowska
Monika Szulecka,
Joanna Fomina,
Tomasz Horbowski,
A. Lepak,
Przejścia graniczne w czasie Euro 2012
Monika Szulecka,
Migration as a source of selected threats to public order and safety
Monika Szulecka,
Selected migration-related threats from the perspective of labelling theory
Paweł Kaczmarczyk,
Monika Szulecka,
Joanna Tyrowicz,
Chinese Investment Strategies and Migration – Does Diaspora Matter? Chinese Migrants in Poland
Marta Kindler,
Anna Kordasiewicz,
Monika Szulecka,
Care needs and migration for domestic work: Ukraine-Poland
Monika Szulecka,
Forms of irregular migration in Poland
Monika Szulecka,
Paradoxes of formal social control. Criminological aspects of foreigners’ access to the Polish territory and labour market
Monika Szulecka,
Regulating Movement of the Very Mobile: Selected Legal and Policy Aspects of Ukrainian Migration to EU Countries
Monika Szulecka,
(Not)functioning of antidiscrimnation law towards foreigners in practice
Monika Szulecka,
The role of migrant economic institutions in the process of adaptation of migrants from Asian countries
Monika Szulecka,
Obraz przestępczości na targowisku Jarmark Europa z perspektywy użytkowników
Renata Stefańska,
Monika Szulecka,
Bezpieczny status prawny jako determinanta awansu ekonomiczno-zawodowego odmiennych grup imigrantów w Polsce
Monika Szulecka,
Obecność cudzoziemców na targowisku zlokalizowanym wokół Stadionu Dziesięciolecia z perspektywy kryminologicznej
Marta Kindler,
Monika Szulecka,
The Economic Integration of Ukrainian and Vietnamese Migrant Women in the Polish Labour Market
Marta Kindler,
Zuzanna Brunarska,
Monika Szulecka,
Sabina Toruńczyk-Ruiz,
Ukrainian Migration to Poland: A “Local” Mobility?