dr Monika Szulecka

Graduate of political science (in the field of social prevention and resocialisation, legal and criminological profile) at the University of Warsaw. Since 2007 she has been an working as an affiliate at the Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, and since 2015 she has been an employee of the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She has participated in a number of national or international research projects focused on economic adaptation of migrants, functioning of irregular migrants in Poland and in other countries, irregular migration and threats linked to migration (such as forced labour), the functioning of border crossings and migration-related criminal phenomena. She is an expert of the Foundation of the Centre of Migration Research. Between 2008 and 2018 she participated in the editorial team of „Migration Bulletin”. Between 2011 and 2013 she coordinated postgraduate studies for border guards. Occasionally, she gives lectures or training for participants of postgraduate studies or practitioners representing institutions responsible for implementation of migration policy in Poland. She participates in Polish or international scientific conferences dedicated to the topics of legal aspects of migration.

Her scientific interests relate to the topic of migrants’ functioning in Poland, economic migration, migration and asylum policy, as well as the prevention of irregular migration and undeclared work of foreigners. In her scientific activities she concentrates mostly on the practical aspects of law implementation, especially with regard to entry, stay and work of foreigners, as well as application of selected criminal law provisions in the context of migration processes.


Selected publications

Research projects