EASTmig: Migration between Eastern Partners (Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova) and the Visegrad Countries


The proposed project aims to study the features, recent processes and probable future trends of migration in Visegrad countries and between Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. The distinctive function of state borders has been eroding, the free movement of people has become reality within some supranational integrations. Unfortunately, there is scarce information on migratory phenomena, especially in case of the Visegrad countries and its Eastern neighbour Ukraine, Belarus, and partner countries, like Moldova and Georgia.

After the Schengen accession the Visegrad countries have to face increasing number of illegal migration, while the previously existing local level cross-border relation suffer from the strict visa and border-crossing policy, hampering both personal and social relations. In the recent project we would like to investigate the migration. In this migration got into scope after noticing that great number of (in our case) Eastern European (in case of V4 countries great number of post-Soviet citizens) migrants return back home regularly or build multiple existences in different countries. There is still no exact data nor about the number, life-style of these mass of people, neither their motives, preferences, future expectations and plans. In the same way neither the V4 countries, nor the involved Eastern European countries do not seem to have up-to-date policy in relation with this specific group of people (e.g. reintegration policy, special educational needs etc.).

The proposed research project has three objectives:

  • to estimate (if it is possible measure), the size of migrants in the involved countries applying statistical and interview data;
  • to present the processes and characteristics of migration in the given state applying document analysis, interview data and active involvement of related civic societies. The special emphasis will be put on evaluating the visa policies and border-crossing procedures of each states. In addition the reintegration policies, if there is any;
  • to compare the different states positions, expectations and policies in relation with migrants.



2012 - 2014

Source of funding

Visegrad Fund


Geographical Institute of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (coordinator)
Geographic Migration Centre (GEOMIGRACE), Charles University in Prague
Central Statistical Bureau of Hungary
Comenius University in Bratislava
Kyiv National University
National University in Odessa
National Academy of Science of Ukraine
Belarusian State University
Pridnestrovian State University
Tbilisi State University