Completed projects
Labour mobility and social inclusion program in Poland
(duration: 2022 - 2023) -
Accessing migration infrastructure and employment strategies in a time of crisis: Ukraine female war refugees and migrants in Poland and Italy.
(duration: 2022 - 2023) -
Unfulfilled intentions: family narratives of non-migration and next generations’ migration intentions and behaviour
(duration: 2021 - 2023) -
MultiData – Multiple migrations: Quantitative data approach
(duration: 2021 - 2023) -
Con3Post: Posting of Third Country Nationals. Mapping the Trend in the Construction Sector
(duration: 2019 - 2020) -
Grandparenting at a distance
(duration: 2019 - 2021) -
CrossMigration – Current European and Cross-National Comparative Research and Research Actions on Migration
(duration: 2018 - 2020) -
RESPOND: Multilevel Governance of Mass Migration in Europe and Beyond
(duration: 2017 - 2021) -
Modern Poland: Migration and Transformations
(duration: 2017 - 2019) -
GLARUS / Global Labour in Rural Societies
(duration: 2017 - 2021) -
Atlas of Transitions. Cross Geographies for a Cross-Cultural Europe
(duration: 2017 - 2020) -
Sustainable Care: Connecting People and Systems
(duration: 2017 - 2021) -
Quality assesment of public employment services in terms of the simplified employment procedure for foreigners (PO WER)
(duration: 2016 - 2018) -
The impact of wealth formation by economic migrants on their mobility and integration: Polish migrants in countries of the European Community and Australia
(duration: 2016 - 2018) -
Continuity or change – anthropological analysis of Polish Roma migration paths to Great Britain
(duration: 2016 - 2018) -
Between Poland and Ireland. Political and public participation of migrants in a transnational social space
(duration: 2016 - 2021) -
The changing dynamics of cross-border links in the “peripheral centre”. Ethnographic revisit
(duration: 2016 - 2017) -
The Changing dynamics of cross-border links in the “peripheral centre”. Ethnographic revisit
(duration: 2016 - 2017) -
Polish migrants in the United Kingdom: (re)negotiation and (re)construction of masculinity in the super-diverse environment
(duration: 2016 - 2017) -
New society on the Polish Western Territories. Personal journals of settlers from an autobiographical perspective
(duration: 2016 - 2022) -
Migrants from Poland in Germany – cultural aspects
(duration: 2016 - 2017) -
International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities Survey Data Network (ETHMIGSURVEYDATA) COST Action CA 16111
(duration: 2016 - 2019) -
Cross-border cooperation at the time of crisis on neighbor’s soil
(duration: 2015 - 2016) -
The economic integration of immigrants in a country in the intermediate phase of the migration cycle – Poland versus selected EU countries
(duration: 2015 - 2020) -
Grant for grant: “Perceptions and realities of mobility in an enlarged European Union”
(duration: 2015 - 2016) -
(duration: 2015 - 2016)
IMINTEG – in search for models of relations between immigration and integration policies
(duration: 2015 - 2019) -
Migrant networks and integration of Ukrainian migrants in Poland – a quantitative and qualitative approach
(duration: 2015 - 2019) -
MobileWelfare: European welfare systems in times of mobility
(duration: 2015 - 2018) -
Mixed marriages and “gender assymetry”. Patterns of integration and socioeconomic mobility of immigrants in Poland and the United Kingdom
(duration: 2015 - 2017) -
Environmental determinants of migration from countries of North Africa
(duration: 2015 - 2018) -
Polish immigrant organizations in Europe
(duration: 2015 - 2020) -
Transnational Migration, Citizenship and the Circulation of Rights and Responsibilities (TRANSMIC)
(duration: 2014 - 2018) -
Free movement of workers and transitional arrangements: lessons from the 2004 and 2007 enlargements
(duration: 2014 - 2015) -
Substituality of internal and international migration
(duration: 2014 - 2016) -
UPSTREAM. Developing Effective Strategies for the Mainstreaming of Integration Governance
(duration: 2014 - 2015) -
Disengagement from the state – the perspective of Russian regions
(duration: 2014 - 2016) -
IMAGINATION research project: Urban Implications and Governance of CEE Migration in Europe
(duration: 2013 - 2016) -
Unfinished migration transition and ageing population in Poland. Asynchronous population changes and the transformation of formal and informal care institutions
(duration: 2013 - 2017) -
EASTmig: Migration between Eastern Partners (Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova) and the Visegrad Countries
(duration: 2012 - 2014) -
Two decades of unregulated temporariness? An analysis of changes in the mobility patterns from Ukraine to Poland in a multidimensional perspective
(duration: 2012 - 2014) -
Participation of Polish diaspora in state elections since 1989
(duration: 2012 - 2015) -
Diffusion of Culture Through Social Remittances between Poland and The United Kingdom
(duration: 2012 - 2015) -
Possibilities and realities of return migration (PREMIG)
(duration: 2012 - 2013) -
The neighbourhood diversity effect. Ethnic diversity compared to other dimensions of diversity
(duration: 2011 - 2012) -
Labour migrants from Central and Eastern Europe in the Nordic countries: Patterns of migration, working conditions and recruitment practices
(duration: 2011 - 2012) -
CARIM-East: An Observatory of Migration East of Europe
(duration: 2011 - 2013) -
Migration of Ukrainian Nationals to the European Union
(duration: 2011 - 2016) -
Carriers and socio-professional mobility of post-accession migrants
(duration: 2010 - 2011) -
European Web Site on Integration
(duration: 2010 - 2011) -
Highly skilled immigrants from European Union in Warsaw – in social space or in transnational space of flows?
(duration: 2010 - 2012) -
Socio-cultural effects of seasonal migration for local societies: Case of Poland and Germany
(duration: 2009 - 2011) -
Transnational Dimension of the Institutionalisation Process: the Case of the Ukrainians in Poland
(duration: 2009 - 2011) -
Generating Interethnic Tolerance and Neighbourhood Integration in European Urban Spaces (GEITONIES)
(duration: 2008 - 2011) -
Returns of Poles
(duration: 2008 - 2009) -
Educational migration to Poland – socio-economic consequences
(duration: 2008 - 2010) -
Contemporary migration of Polish medical proffessionals: scale, structure and effects on the healthcare system
(duration: 2008 - 2010) -
Mobility and Migrations at the Time of Transformation – Methodological Challenges (MWM)
(duration: 2008 - 2011) -
Labour mobility within the EU in the context of enlargement and the functioning of the transitional arrangements
(duration: 2008 - 2009) -
Mobility of Health Professionals (MoHProf)
(duration: 2008 - 2011) -
Active Ageing and Social, Cultural and Economic Integration of Migrants and Minority Ethnic Elders (AAMEE)
(duration: 2008 - 2008) -
Transborder Centre of the Labour Market Support
(duration: 2007 - 2008) -
Diffusion and Contexts of Transnational Migrant Organizations in Europe
(duration: 2007 - 2010) -
Mediterranean and Eastern European Countries as new immigration destinations in the European Union (IDEA)
(duration: 2007 - 2009) -
Migracje z Polski po 1 maja 2004 roku
(duration: 2005 - 2007)