on the Regulations of the Centre of Migration Research
Pursuant to § 12 Point 5 of the Statute of the University of Warsaw (University of Warsaw Monitor of 2019, item 190), in connection with the Resolution of the Council of the Centre of Migration Research of 29 January 2020, the following shall be administered:
§ 1
The Centre of Migration Research is hereby endowed with the Regulations comprised of the annex to the Ordinance.
§ 2
The Regulations of the Centre of Migration Research (Monitor of the University of Warsaw of 2008, No. 6, item 146) are no longer valid.
§ 3
The Ordinance shall enter into force on the date of signing.
Rector of University of Warsaw: M. Pałys
Annex to Ordinance of the Rector of the University of Warsaw of 1 June 2020 on the Regulations of the Centre of Migration Research
Chapter 1
General provisions
§ 1
The Regulations of the Centre of Migration Research shall in particular specify:
1) the organisational structure of the Centre;
2) types of internal organisational units of the Centre as defined in § 13 Point 1 of the Statute;
3) the principles of the creation of internal organisational units of the Centre within the meaning of § 13 Point 1 of the Statute;
4) other types of units that are not internal organisational units of the Centre within the meaning of § 13 Point 1 of the Statute;
5) the rules for creating other units that are not internal organisational units of the Centre within the meaning of § 13 Point 1 of the Statute;
6) the rules of the Centre’s hierarchical structure;
7) the rules of creating the Centre’s administrative structure.
§ 2
Whenever the Regulations refer to the following, they mean:
1) University – the University of Warsaw;
2) Statute – the University’s Statutes;
3) Centre – the Centre of Migration Research;
4) employees – employees of the University performing their duties in the Centre or delegated to the Centre;
5) internal organisational units – internal organisational units referred to in § 13 Point 1 of the Statute;
6) Council – the Scientific Council of the Centre;
7) Director – the Director of the Centre;
8) Deputy Director(s) – the Deputy Director(s) of the Centre.
§ 3
1. The Centre is an organisational unit referred to in § 11 Point 1, Item 4 of the Statute, created to perform the tasks referred to in § 19 Point 1 Item 3 of the Statute.
2. The tasks of the Centre include:
1) conducting interdisciplinary scientific research on international migration and mobility processes;
2) engaging in activities of university-wide relevance relating to the subject matter listed in Item 1;
3) disseminating knowledge about international migration through the publication of research results, conferences, seminars and popularisation activities;
4) conducting educational activities, training of scientific staff and conducting post-graduate studies and training;
5) drawing up expert scientific opinions;
6) development of cooperation in the field of migration research with Polish and foreign research entities.
Chapter 2
Internal organisational units of the Centre
§ 4
1. The Centre’s structure includes internal organisational units.
2. Internal organisational units are research units.
3. The establishment of new research units is possible upon request by the Director or future unit members, including the leader of this initiative.
4. 4 The conditions for the establishment of a research unit are: gathering a minimum of five employees of the Centre, including a candidate for a head, presentation of the justified need for a new unit, the purpose and scope of the activity, and proposal of the unit’s composition and an outline of the research plan.
5. Research units may be established, transformed, or dismantled by order of the Director after consultation with the Council.
6. The Director shall define the tasks and composition of the research units and shall designate by order their heads.
Chapter 3
Units that are not internal organisational units of the Centre
§ 5
1. The Centre may establish research groups that are not internal organisational units within the meaning of § 13 Point 1 of the Statute.
2. Research groups shall be established to carry out tasks of a specialised nature and outside the framework of activities defined for research units.
§ 6
1. Research groups may be established at the request of the Director or future group members, including the leader of this initiative.
2. The conditions for establishing a research group are: a minimum of three members of the Centre’s staff, including a candidate for the coordinator of the group, a presentation of the justified need to set up a new research group, the purpose and duration of its activity, and proposed composition, and an outline of the work plan.
3. Research groups may include doctoral students and students.
4. Research groups may be established, transformed, or dismantled by order of the Director after consulting the Council.
§ 7
The Director may, where necessary, set up targeted task forces, advisory teams, committees and proxies to carry out specific tasks.
§ 8
1. The Director shall draw up and update a list of internal organisational units and other units established in the Centre, including research groups established on the basis of these Regulations.
2. The Director shall communicate the list referred to in Point 1 to the Rector and inform the University community.
Chapter 4
Director and Deputy Directors
§ 9
1. The Centre is managed by a Director appointed by the Rector at the request of the Council.
2. The Director may be a person who:
1) has at least a post-doctoral degree;
2) is employed at the University as a primary workplace.
3. All members of the Council may nominate candidates for the post of Director.
4. The proposal to appoint the Director from among the proposed candidates shall be adopted by the Council by an absolute majority of votes in the presence of at least half of its members.
5. The Council shall submit a proposal to the Rector by the end of June of the year in which the term of office of the incumbent Director ends.
6. The Director’s term of office is four years and is congruent with that of the Rector.
7. The Director may be dismissed by the Rector after consulting with the Council or at the request of the Council.
8. A Council proposal to dismiss the Director should be adopted by a two-thirds majority in the presence of at least half of its members.
§ 10
1. The Director shall be appointed with a maximum of two Deputy Directors.
2. The Deputy Directors shall be appointed and dismissed by the Director after consultation with the Council, by order.
3. The proposal for the appointment of Deputy Directors, from among the proposed candidates, should be submitted to the Council for an opinion by an absolute majority of votes in the presence of at least half of its members.
4. The responsibilities of the Deputy Directors shall be determined by the Director and communicated by executive decision to the Centre.
5. The responsibilities of the Deputy Directors shall be defined for the duration of their term of office of the Director.
§ 11
The Director’s responsibilities include in particular:
1. preparation of a draft research and didactic strategy for the Centre in line with the University’s strategy;
2. preparing drafts of the Regulations and proposals for their amendment;
3. implementation of the research and didactic strategy of the Centre;
4. submission of annual reports on the Centre’s activities to the Council;
5. submitting annual reports on the Centre’s activities to the Rector;
6. appointing and recalling persons to managerial positions in the Centre and defining their responsibilities;
7. defining and implementing personnel policy;
8. conducting financial management based on a power of attorney;
9. taking decisions necessary for the efficient functioning of the Centre;
10. exercising other powers specified in the Statute and other regulations or specified by the Rector.
§ 12
The direct superior of the Centre’s employees is the Director.
Chapter 5
Scientific Council of the Centre
§ 13
1. The Centre has a Scientific Council.
2. The Council shall consist of a minimum of 15 persons and a maximum of 30 persons.
3. The Council is composed of the:
1) Director;
2) Deputy Director(s);
3) Heads of research units;
4) employees of the Centre with at least the academic degree of doctor habilitatus [post-doctoral degree];
5) persons with at least the academic degree of doctor habilitatus [post-doctoral degree] performing their duties in other organisational units of the University of Warsaw, and who comprise no more than a quarter of the Council;
6) persons with at least the academic degree of doctor habilitatus [post-doctoral degree] from outside the University of Warsaw, and who comprise no more than a quarter of the Council.
4. The composition of the Council for the new term of office is proposed to the Rector by the Director after consultation with the Council of the current term.
§ 14
1. The Council’s term of office is four years, starting on 1 September and ending on 31 August of the year of the election of the Rector.
2. After the expiry of its term of office, the Council shall carry out its duties until the appointment of a new Council and the start of its term.
§ 15
It is the Council’s task to:
1) give its opinion on the Centre’s draft research and didactic strategy;
2) give an opinion on the draft Regulations and amendments;
3) submit proposals for the Regulations and amendments to the Regulations to the Rector;
4) to give an opinion on the annual report on the implementation of the Centre’s research and didactic strategy;
5) monitor the Centre’s financial management, including issuing opinions on the material and financial planning and the annual financial statement ;
6) to propose to the Rector to appoint and dismiss the Director;
7) to give its opinion on activities related to the operation of the Selection Committee (applications for competitions, applications for the employment of academic staff);
8) give its opinion on the creation, transformation, or dismantling of research units;
9) give an opinion on the research plans of the research units;
10) express opinions on matters submitted by members of the Council, the Director or the Rector.
§ 16
1. The work of the Council shall be managed by the Chairman of the Council or, if the presence of the Chairman is not possible, by a member of the Council designated by him/her in his/her stead.
2. The Chairman of the Council shall be elected from among the members of the Council by an absolute majority of votes in the presence of at least half of its members at its first meeting.
3. The Council shall meet at least twice a year.
4. The Council shall be convened by the Director on his/her own initiative or at the request of at least one-fifth of the Council’s members.
5. The new Council’s first meeting is called and chaired by the Director until a new Chairman of the Council is elected.
6. The Director shall notify the members of the Council electronically of the date and proposed agenda of the Council meeting at least seven days before that date. The agenda presented by the Director or the Chairman of the Council in the notice convening the meeting shall be approved by the Council before the beginning of the meeting.
7. In extraordinary situations, if it was not possible to submit a request for an addition to the agenda in advance, members of the Council may submit a request for its addition or amendment before the agenda is approved.
8. The decision on supplementing or amending the agenda shall be taken by the Council.
9. At the invitation of the Director or the Chairman of the Council, the meeting may be attended by persons from outside the Council in an advisory capacity.
10. Trade union representatives may also attend the meeting, in an advisory capacity, in accordance with the provisions of the Statute.
11. The Council shall take decisions by way of a resolution by a simple majority of votes in the presence of at least half of its members. In personnel matters, the Council adopts resolutions by an absolute majority of votes in the presence of at least half of its members.
12. The Council’s resolutions are passed in an open vote. A secret ballot is held at the request of at least one member of the Council or when the subject of voting is personnel matters.
13. The participation of Council members in Council meetings is obligatory. Absence at a meeting of the Council must be excused in writing to the Chairman of the Council no later than three days before the planned meeting.
14. In urgent matters, between Council meetings, votes of the Council can also take place electronically.
15. The minutes of each meeting of the Council shall be drawn up and, after approval by the Council, signed by the Chairman of the Council and the person drawing up the minutes. The minutes include, in particular, the adopted agenda, a short, synthetic discussion of the course of the meeting, the results of votes conducted and, in annexes, the full content of resolutions adopted and reports submitted.
16. The resolutions of the Council shall be signed by the Chairman of the Council.
17. In matters not covered by the Regulations, the following shall apply accordingly: Regulations of the Senate.
§ 17
1. The Council may set up standing committees or committees for the implementation of specific tasks.
2. The Council shall elect the members of the standing committees for one term of office.
3. A member of the Committee may be a member of the Council or an employee of the Centre.
Chapter 6
Heads of internal organisational units and units that are not internal organisational units
§ 18
1. The work of the research unit is managed by the head of the unit.
2. The head may be a person who holds at least a PhD.
3. The head of the unit shall be appointed by order of the Director for a period of two years.
4. The head’s tasks include:
a) preparation of the research plan of the unit for a two-year period and its implementation;
b) ongoing management of the work of the unit;
c) monitoring and supporting the scientific career paths of unit members;
d) reporting annually to the Director on the activities of the unit.
§ 19
1. The work of the research group is managed by the group coordinator.
2. The coordinator shall be appointed by the Director for a maximum period of two years, by an order.
3. The tasks of the coordinator include:
a) development of a research group work plan and its implementation;
b) coordination of the work of the research group;
c) reporting annually to the Director on the activities of the research group, in accordance with the procedure laid down in the work plan.
Chapter 7
Selection Committee
§ 20
1. The Selection Committee operates within the Centre and its task is to conduct and decide competitions for jobs in the Centre.
2. The composition and the Chairman of the Selection Committee are chosen by the Director after consultation with the Council.
3. The work of the Selection Committee is headed by the Chairman of the Committee.
4. The Selection Committee is composed of at least five persons, with at least one-fifth of the members being from outside of the Centre. Additionally, in case of a competition for a researcher position, the composition of the Selection Committee shall be supplemented by a person or persons designated by the Scientific Council of the Discipline, and their number shall be at least one-fifth of the members of the Committee.
5. The Selection Committee is appointed for the term of office consistent with the term of office of the Director.
6. If necessary, the Director shall appoint an additional member or members of the Selection Committee after consulting with the Council.
7. The provisions of Point 6 do not apply to members of the Selection Committee who have been appointed by the Scientific Council of the relevant discipline.
8. The Selection Committee also performs tasks assigned to the Commission for Employment as Academic Teachers.
Chapter 8
Administration of the Centre
§ 21
1. The administration of the Centre is formed by a Support Team.
2. The administration of the Centre reports to the Director.
3. The Director may determine, by executive decision, the organisation of the Support Team, including its scope, structure, and the tasks and responsibilities of its members.
Chapter 9
Transitional and final provisions
§ 22
1. The detailed Rules of Operation of the Centre shall be determined by the Director by means of executive decision.
2. Issues not resolved within the Regulations shall be regulated by the Director by means of executive decision.