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Centre of Migration Research

International cooperation


International cooperation has been a cornerstone of the CMR’s research activities since the Centre’s foundation. Since 1991 the Centre has participated in The Continuous Reporting System on Migration (known under its French acronym, SOPEMI) that serves as the basis for an annual OECD report on international migration. In the interests of excellence and world-class research, the CMR has cooperated with leading experts in migration studies, whereby a significant part of CMR research projects has been conducted in cooperation with top European universities. In 2007, the CMR was invited to join the IMISCOE (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe) Network of Excellence. We have also collaborated extensively with researchers from outside Western knowledge production centres, including countries from the former USSR. Such collaboration has aimed at promoting the development of migration studies in Central and Eastern Europe. The CMR has collaborated with centres of various sizes and prioritised the inclusion of researchers at different stages of their careers.

In the present day, the CMR maintains several international cooperations, reflected in international research projects commissioned by the European Commission, UNHCR, World Bank EEE Financial Mechanism, the Nordic Council and many other international institutions. Moreover, the Centre provides a platform for discussing current achievements in migration research worldwide by organising a series of lectures with leading scholars (CMR UW Migration Seminars: Recent Advances in Theory and Research on Migration). The CMR is also involved in developing networks and facilitating a dialogue between representatives of academia, policy-makers and NGOs in Central Eastern Europe.

The international activity of the CMR is supported by the International Relations Coordinator. The Coordinator is responsible for:

  • supporting activities related to initiating and coordinating international cooperation of the CMR with international universities and research institutions;
  • involvement in the activities of international cooperation networks;
  • coordinating academic staff exchange, scholarships and internships for PhD candidates and students.


International Relations Coordinator