Operational principles of the Ethics Committee
established at CMR
- The Committee works on the basis of these principles. Changes to these principles can be introduced by the CMR Director after consluting the Board of Directors and the CMR Council.
- The Committee plays the role of a consultative and advisory body in relation to the ethics of scientific research conducted at the Centre of Migration Research.
- The Committee consists of 3-7 members appointed by the CMR Director after consulting the Board of Directors and the CMR Council. The CMR Director appoints a Chairman/Chairwoman from among the members of the Committee. The Committee may elect a Secretary from among its members.
- The Committee is appointed for an indefinite period. Membership may be terminated at the request of the Member concerned or the CMR Director.
- The Committee considers requests for a review of compliance of research conducted at the CMR with the ethical standards of social research and other ethical issues. A review must be conducted by at least three members of the Committee. The reviewers shall be selected in such a way, that no conflict of interest exists.
- The Committee accepts requests on a continous basis.
- The Committee formulates its opinions based on ethical principles recognized in the community of social scientists, including the Code of Ethics of a Sociologist of the Polish Sociological Association, Best practices in science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, documents developed among researchers and affiliates of the CMR.
- The Committe issues an opinion no later than within one month of the submission of a request. This time limit may be extended in the event of the need to gather more information from the Applicant or consult experts from outside the Committee.
- The Committee issue an opinion by simple majority in an open vote. The Committee’s opinion can be positive (research approved for implementation) or negative (research not approved for implementation). The opinion is passed to the Applicant in writing (in paper or electronic form). In the event of a negative opinion, the Committee presents (orally or in writing) the Applicant with a justification of its decision, together with suggestions for relevant changes in the research design.
- The Committee keeps a register of reviewed cases.
The Members of the Ethics Committee established at CMR are:
dr Sara Bojarczuk, Chair
dr hab. Agata Górny
dr hab. Wojciech Łukowski