Katarzyna Andrejuk.
Jacy imigranci rejestrują się jako bezrobotni? Dynamika bezrobocia wśród cudzoziemców w RP
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny numer 2(168)/ 2018
The article analyses the data about foreigners registered as unemployed in Poland. The most numerous groups of the registered unemployed originate from the post-Soviet bloc, especially Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Armenia. This distribution is a result of various determinants, for example Ukrainians constitute the biggest and dynamically increasing migrant community, so the numer of unemployed is proportionally higher. The individuals who have a Russian passport are usually refugees from Chechnya. The numbers of registered unemployed from Vietnam, India and China are marginal, despite the fact that these communities are relatively numerous in Poland. The sole status of unemployed is associated with the access to some basic welfare benefits (especially access to public healthcare). The share of individuals who have a right to unemployment benefit within the migrants populations is very low, lower than in case of the unemployed natives in Poland. Moreover, the analysis of the percentage of the unemployed depending on the country of origin exposed that in years 2012–2017 the share of unemployed in the migrant population often decreased. The increase in the migrant population was much higher than the increase in the number of the unemployed. The summary offers some explanations of the low level of migrant unemployment, indicating that most foreigners are labour migrants. The analysis of the registered unemployment among migrants fills in a significant gap in research about joblessness of foreigners in Poland.