mgr Emilia Szyszkowska

mgr Emilia Szyszkowska

Emilia is an assistant in the at the Economic and Social College of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. She engages in research on health policy, including decision-making processes and health workforce migration. She is currently preparing her PhD thesis on the role of organised interest groups in shaping health policies in Central and Eastern Europe. Currently, she is preparing her PhD thesis on the role of organised interest groups in shaping healthcare policies in Central and Eastern Europe. Author and co-author of more than 15 scientific papers in the form of peer-reviewed articles and monographs. At OBM UW, she works on the research project “Migration plans of medical students and their actual implementation. Do they really leave?”.

Previous publications:

E. Szyszkowska, R. Riedel (2022), “Interest Representation Preconditions in Illiberal Poland and Hungary”, Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs, 26(1), pp. 47-62. DOI: 10.33067/SE.1.2022.3
E. Szyszkowska, S. Czarnecki, R. Riedel (2021), “Advocacy organizations in CEE healthcare: does expertise matter?”, Europolity – Continuity and Change in European Governance, 2, pp. 49-72. DOI:
E. Piotrowska, S. Czarnecki (2021), “Interest Groups and Political Parties in Central and Eastern Europe”, Interest Groups & Advocacy, 10(4), pp. 376-398. DOI:10.1057/s41309-021-00139-8
E. Piotrowska, M. Dobbins, M. von Bonk (2021), „Exploring interest intermediation in Central and Eastern Europe healthcare: Persistent statism, unfettered pluralism or a shift to corporatism?” w: Exploring Organized Interests in Post-Communist Policy-Making. The “Missing Link”, pod. red. M. Dobbinsa, R. Riedla, Londyn: Routledge, pp. 95-123. DOI:
E. Piotrowska, S. Czarnecki, R. Riedel (2021), „Green Advocacy and Climate & Energy Policy Access” w: Exploring Organized Interests in Post-Communist Policy-Making. The “Missing Link”, pod. red. M. Dobbinsa, R. Riedla, Londyn: Routledge, pp. 127-144. DOI:
E. Piotrowska, M. Dobbins, R. Riedel (2021), „Rounding up our journey through the world of organized interests in the post-communist CEE region” w: Exploring Organized Interests in Post-Communist Policy-Making. The “Missing Link”, pod. red. M. Dobbinsa, R. Riedla, Londyn: Routledge, pp. 277-295. DOI:

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