dr hab. prof. ucz. Aleksandra Grzymała-Kazłowska

dr hab. prof. ucz. Aleksandra Grzymała-Kazłowska

Dr hab. Aleksandra Grzymala-Kazlowska is a Professor at the Faculty of Sociology and a researcher at the Centre of Migration Research, where she has been involved in different projects since 1998. Professor Grzymala-Kazlowska specialises in research into the processes of migrant adaptation and integration, cultural representations and ethnic attitudes, as well as contemporary transformations of identity and ethnicity. She is an author, editor or co-editor of 7 books or special issues of academic journals as well as many academic papers published, among others, in ‘Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies’, ‘Ethnicities’, ‘Sociology, ‘Canadian Diversity’ and ‘Journal of Migration and Refugee Studies’. She served as an expert at the Commissioner for Human Rights. She is a member of the Research Committee on Human Migrations and Polish Diaspora at the Polish Academy of Science and an Editor-in-Chief of the journal ‘Central and Eastern European Migration Review’. She is also a Research Associate at the Institute for Research into Superdiversity at the University of Birmingham, which hosted her Individual Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship. Her recent book is ‘Rethinking settlement and integration. Migrants’ anchoring in an age of insecurity’ (University of Manchester, 2020).

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