Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the posting of workers POW-BRIDGE


POW-BRIDGE studies the gap between procedures (legal basis) and practices (experiences) in posting rule enactment, identifies challenges and develops and shares effective ways of addressing these challenges for posting companies and implementation agencies. It particularly investigates how the Directive interplays with other EU and national legislation in terms of social security, health insurance, temporary agency work, and company law. The geographical scope of the action includes: Austria, Slovenia, Italy, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, and North Macedonia.

The main aim of the project is to strengthen the efforts for the implementation and enforcement of the Directive in an inclusive, participatory and transparent form.

The strategic objectives of the action are:
– To promote and enhance effective and transparent application of EU rules on posting;
– To promote a more active participation of employers in the process of evidence-based policy-making;
– To establish, consolidate and expand multi-stakeholder cross-border collaboration among EU Member States and candidate countries.

The specific objectives of the project are based on the strategic objectives and meet the criteria of the call. They are:
– To improve transnational multi-stakeholder cooperation between public authorities, social partners and the research community by setting up mutual learning labs for the exchange of knowledge and information among the participating sending and receiving countries.
– To increase access to information in terms of rule enactment of the Posting of Workers Directive and its Enforcement Directive in the eight countries of the action.
– To strengthen the evidence base through the collection and evaluation of original data in order to deepen the understanding on a) how the Directive interplays with other EU and national legislation in terms of social security, health insurance, temporary agency work, and company law; b) how the interplay of different complex national systems might lead to potential challenges and eventually inequalities and exploitation; and c) how to address these challenges through policy reform.

POWbridge flyer

Newsletter POW-BRIDGE No. 1

POW-BRIDGE Newsletter No. 2

POW-Bridge Newsletter No 3

Practical guides for posting employers (YouTube)

Project coordination:

European Centre for Social Welfare a Policy and Research (Austria)



2020 - 2021

Source of funding

EaSI-Progress Programme of the European Union

Publications published within the framework of an international project co-financed by the program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education entitled "PMW" in 2021, contract No. 5204/EaSI/2021/2.


UNIVE – Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy)

CSPS SAS – Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences, Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia)

PUBLIC (North Macedonia)

CSP – Center for Social Policy (Serbia)

UP – University of Primorska (Slovenia)
