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Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami

CfP: Attitudes towards Newcomers: Evidence from Various Cultural Contexts


Panel for the 20th IMISCOE Annual Conference ‘MIGRATION AND INEQUALITIES. In search of answers and solutions’ (3-6 July 2023, Warsaw & online)

Organisers: Zuzanna Brunarskaa, Aneta Piekuta,b, Sabina Toruńczyk-Ruiza,c

a Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
b Sheffield Methods Institute, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
c Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland


The recent arrival of large numbers of Ukrainian refugees in many European countries has clearly demonstrated that their reception differed across countries but also differed from the reception of refugees from the Middle East in 2015. This reminds social scientists of the importance of undertaking comparative lenses in migration studies, as well as the need to reflect how attitudes are conceptualized and studied in different contexts.

The panel responds to the need to de-Westernise research on attitudes towards migrants and migration. Most of the theoretical approaches used to explain attitudes towards migrants and migration in the current academic discourse were developed by academics working in the ‘Western’ contexts or so called ‘Global North’. While some of the concepts, mechanisms as well as research methods tested in Western populations may be universal, others may prove less relevant in non-Western contexts. In the proposed panel, we ask how well these ideas travel across diverse cultural contexts. To this end, we would like to bring together researchers examining determinants of attitudes towards various groups of migrants in the non-Western European and non-North-American contexts. We especially welcome empirical studies testing the usefulness of Western-derived theories and approaches outside the West. Papers could also adopt a comparative perspective and explore inter-country differences by analyzing data from various geographical contexts, both within and outside Europe. The session is open to researchers from a variety of disciplines and applying different methods, both quantitative and qualitative.

key words: attitudes towards migrants, attitudes towards migration, cross-country, non-Western contexts

Please submit your abstract at by November, 25th 2022. Abstracts of app. 250 words should include the title, authors’ names, affiliations and contact details.

For further information please contact one of the organisers: Zuzanna Brunarska (, Aneta Piekut ( or Sabina Toruńczyk-Ruiz ( We will contact all interested researchers by 1st of December.

More information on the 20th IMISCOE Annual Conference: