Understanding Thermal Comfort Expectations in Older Adults: The Role of Long-Term Thermal History.
Building and Environment, Volume 263, 111900
Transgovernmental Labour Standards Enforcement in a Pan-European Labour Market: An Arms Race Between Institutional Alignment and Regulatory Arbitrage
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies | s. 1–17
A thermosurvey dataset: Older adults’ experiences and adaptation to urban heat and climate change
Sci Data 11, 677 (2024)
The discourse and practices of Polish migration policy during the COVID-19 pandemic – economisation as a form of emergency governance
Comparative Migration Studies 12, 29 (2024)
‘I am afraid to fly there’: informal care in Polish migrants’ families immobilised by COVID-19
Ethnic and Racial Studies | s. 1–20
Unfulfilled Intentions: Family Stories and Narratives on Unrealised Emigration under Emigration Restrictions
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Did Covid-19 make things worse? The pandemic as a push factor stimulating the emigration intentions of junior doctors from Poland: A mixed methods study
The evolution of the migration industry – how have employers been supported in sourcing their workforce?
Labor history
Does exposure to books foster a taste for spatial mobility? Home library size in childhood and adult migration intentions
Migration Studies
Can The Pushed-Back Speak? Tracing Narrative Agency of Enemised and Victimised Migrants in Poland
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny Nr 3 (189)/2023 | s. 15-37
Production of the Crisis: Discourses on the Polish-Belarusian Border
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny Nr 3 (189)/2023 | s. 9-14
Belarus’s Coercive Engineered Migration Case of 2021–2022: Categorisation of State Media Narratives
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny Nr 3 (189)/2023 | s. 79-99
A missed opportunity: Local welfare systems’ responses to marginalized migration in the COVID-19 context
Cities Volume 148, (2024) 104880
Mobility and labor market trajectories of Ukrainian migrants to Poland in the context of the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine
European Societies
Editorial introduction to special issue: Migration state in practice
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2023; 63(4) | s. 1-5
Aqui éa Ucrânia! Ukraine and the global community of the oppressed
Etnografia Polska Tom 67 Nr 1–2 (2023) | s. 237-245
Migratory encounters, common idiom, and the king: The relationship between two Roma groups from Poland in transnational social space
Romani Studies Volume 33, Number 2
Forced displacement and subsequent generations’ migration intentions: intergenerational transmission of family migration capital.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Anti-paćiw v gádžovské akademii, Ficowského stíny – a co s nimi? Cvičení v reciproční etnografii a dekolonizaci polské romistiky
Romano džaniben 30 (1): | s. 77–102
Organized interests in post-communist policy-making: a new dataset for comparative research
Interest Groups & Advocacy Volume 12, pages 73–101, (2023) | s. 73-101
Imperative practices: The political inclusion of diasporas in Poland, Hungary and Lithuania
Wsparcie państwa polskiego dla jednostek polonoznawczych – narzędzie dyplomacji publicznej czy polityki polonijnej?
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny 2023 (XLIX) Nr 2 (188)
Emigration From Post-Communist Central Europe After 1989 Interpreted Within the Aspirations/Capabilities Framework
Comparative Population Studies. 48, (Oct. 2023)
What is a heat(wave)? An interdisciplinary perspective
Climatic Change, 176(9), 129.
Between international academic relations and diaspora policy: rethinking the role of Polish studies abroad
Globalisation, Societies and Education
Predicting a Migration Transition in Poland and its Implications for Population Ageing
Central and Eastern European Migration Review 12(1) | s. 265-292
Messy Arrangements? A Social Networks Perspective on Migrant Labor Brokerage: The Case of Ukrainian Migration to Poland
Polish Sociological Review, 220(4), 457-484. | s. 457-484
Real estate in the home country: Why Polish migrants keep properties in Poland
International Migration
The new grounds for deportation of European Union citizens in the United Kingdom
International Migration
Will we lose our doctors? Migration plans of Polish medical students
Migration Policy Practice, Vol. XII, Number 1, February 2023
Alcohol-related mortality in four European countries: A multiple-cause-of-death study
Drug and Alcohol Review (DAR) Volume 42, Issue 4 May 2023 | s. 938-945
Securitization in the Shadow of Armed Conflict: The Internal Othering and Electoral Rights of IDPs in Ukraine
Communist and Post-Communist Studies 1–22.
Are They Building a “Second Ireland” in Poland? Political Remitting by Polish Migrants and Return Migrants from Ireland
East European Politics and Societies
Agricultural exceptionalism, migrant farmworkers and the pandemic – evidence from Poland as a new immigrant destination country.
Estudios Geográficos, 83 (293), e110
Family Influences on Migration Intentions: The Role of Past Experience of Involuntary Immobility
Agency and Social Relations in the Search for a Better Life: Female Migrant Entrepreneurs in Poland
Central and Eastern European Migration Review 11(2) | s. 33-50
‘All is not yet lost here.’ The role of aspirations and capabilities in migration projects of Ukrainian migrants in Poland
Beyond Resilience: Professional Challenges, Preferences, and Plans of Ukrainian Researchers Abroad
London’s deportation apparatus: The ‘administrative removal’ of rough sleeping European Union citizens, 2010–17
Population, Space and Place
Unequal Citizenship and Ethnic Boundaries in the Migration Experience of Polish Roma.
Nationalities Papers, | s. 1-21
With Time We Learn to Trust Others? Long-standing Ethnic Diversity, Recent Immigration, and Outgroup Trust in Russia
International Migration Review
Local migrant kin or floating grandmother? Reflections on mobility and informal childcare support strategies among Polish migrants in Ireland.
Global Networks, 00 | s. 1-15
Polskie wyspy w morzu różnorodności. Przypadek dwóch organizacji imigranckich w Holandii
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, 2 (184)/2022 | s. 115–136
Infrastruktura delegowania pracowników: przykład transgranicznego sektora opieki domowej
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
Security, Social Policy, Agency and Work of the Courts in Relation to Ukrainian Internally Displaced Persons
Social Policy and Society, Cambridge University Press | s. 1-16
Poland: What does it take for a public opinion coup to be reversed?
International Migration
Polish Cities and Their Experience in Integration Activities – The Case of Warsaw
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs Vol.26 Number 2/2022
Mobilność za cenę niepewności
Pismo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego | s. 6
Exposure to Immigration and Sense of Socio-Territorial Belonging: Evidence from Russia
Problems of Post-Communism
Interest Representation Preconditions in Illiberal Poland and Hungary
Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs, 26(1) | s. 47-62
Między nami? Więzi i kontakty społeczne z Polakami w życiu codziennym osób z Ukrainy w Warszawie i okolicach
Studia Socjologiczne nr 1/2022 (244) | s. s. 105–136
Does Origin Matter? Ethnic Group Position and Attitudes Toward Immigrants: The Case of Russia
Nationalities Papers
Navigating the opportunities and constraints. Migration as a local response to non-local political developments
Cargo. Journal for Cultural and Social Anthropology 1-2|2021 | s. 11-34
The Migration Transition in Poland
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2021 | s. 151-169
The rise of a new transnational political nation: the Belarusian diaspora and its leaders after the 2020 protests
Instytut Europy Środkowej Rocznik 20 (2022) Zeszyt 1 | s. s. 35-56
Migration uncertainty in the context of Brexit: resource conservation tactics
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Emancipation in a Reception System: Asylum-Seekers in Poland in a Security Grey Zone Between Liberal Democracy and Nation-State.
Central and Eastern European Migration Review vol. 10, No. 2, 2021 | s. 5–22
Networking in contexts: qualitative social network analysis’ insights into migration processes.
Global Networks
Relations Between Polish Immigrant Organisations in Germany and Institutions of the Polish and German States
Producing public goods in the EU: European integration processes in the fields of refugee protection and climate stability
Taylor&Francis | s. 1-18
Russia: A ‘Hidden’ Migration Transition and a Winding Road towards a Mature Immigration Country?
Central and Eastern European Migration Review Vol. 10, No. 1, 2021 | s. 143–172
华侨华人二代的反向教育流动与社会适应问题研究 (Return educational mobilities and social adaptation among the second-generation ethnic Chinese)
社会学评论 (Sociological Review of China)
Using multiple cause of death information to eliminate garbage codes
Demographic Research | s. 345-360
Mapping the diversity and structuring of migration patterns: One-off, repeat and multiple migrants in the European Union
International Migration
Attitudes to the New Ethnic Diversity in Poland: Understanding Contradictions and Variations in a Context of Uncertainty and Insecurity
Polish Sociological Review
The Post-Deportation Desperation and Refunneling of Aspirations of the Mexicans Deported from the United States
Transfers, tom 11, numer 2
Entrepreneurship and ethnic economy employment among Chinese and Vietnamese residents of Warsaw
International Migration
The Limits of EUropean Legitimacy: On Populism and Technocracy. Introduction to the Special Issue
Journal of Contemporary European Research Volume 17, Issue 2(2021)
Technocracy Revisited: the Polish Security Dispositif and Ukrainian Migration to Poland
Journal of Contemporary European Research (JCER) Vol. 17, No. 2(2021)
One step forward, two steps back in political integration: why are Polish candidates not making progress in Irish local elections
Irish Political Studies
In the Pursuit of Justice: (Ab)Use of the European Arrest Warrant in the Polish Criminal Justice System
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2021 | s. 95-117
Safe and fruitful? Structural vulnerabilities in the experience of seasonal migrant workers in agriculture in Germany and Poland.
Safety Science, 139
The Vile Eastern European’: Ideology of Deportability in the Brexit Media Discourse
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2021, | s. 75-93
Local welfare system response to refugees: between innovations, efficiency, and creating unequal opportunities
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies | s. 1-21
Opening in times of crisis? Examining NATO and the EU’s support to security sector reform in post-Maidan Ukraine
East European Politics
Childlessness, geographical proximity and non-family support in 12 European countries
s. 1–26
New Horizons? Comparisons and Frames of Reference of Polish Multiple Migrants Worldwide
Social Inclusion: Migration and Unequal Social Positions in a Transnational Perspective ((2021, Volume 9, Issue 1))
Wydatki publiczne na świadczenia rzeczowe opieki długoterminowej w Polsce – konwergencja czy dywergencja na poziomie województw
Studia Demograficzne, 180(2)
Czy Łódź zatrzyma imigrantów z Ukrainy?
Biuletyn Centrum Studiów Migracyjnych UŁ 3(12)
The judiciary power of discretion in sanctioning the facilitation of unauthorised stay in Poland
International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 2021 (10(3)) | s. 72-86
Safe, accepted and charmed by the city. Why do migrants feel better in Berlin than in Amsterdam?
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies | s. 1940-1956
Who Assists Irregular Migrants in Poland and at What Cost? A Court Files’ Analysis of Convictions of Facilitating Unauthorised Stay of Migrants
Studia Migracyjne–Przegląd Polonijny, 2021 (2 (180)) | s. 87-114
Either we defend our Polishness or there will be no Polonia”. Practices of negotiating national identity among the Polish diaspora members in Cleveland
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis Folia Sociologica nr 76 | s. 59-78
COVID-19 Pandemic and Resilience of the Transnational Home-Based Elder Care System between Poland and Germany
Journal of Aging and Social Policy
Pragmatic Trans-Border Nationalism: A Comparative Analysis of Poland’s and Hungary’s Policies Towards Kin-Minorities in the Twenty-First Century
Ethnopolitics | s. 53-66
Stay calm and beshen khere. Internet i transnarodowa intensyfikacja życia polskich Romów w czasie pandemii COVID-19
"Lud" 104 (2020) - Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze i Komitet Nauk Etnologicznych PAN | s. 235-257
Czasowość i sprawczość w świetle koncepcji prekarności: Wnioski z badań nad migracjami pracowniczymi z Ukrainy do Polski
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny nr 4(178) | s. 163-186
Violence That Builds Sovereignty: The Transnational Violence Continuum in Deportation from the United States
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, published online first (volume to be updated)
Bare Life in an Immigration Jail: Technologies of Surveillance in US Pre-Deportation Detention
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, published online first
Why Do Roma Migrate? A Critical Analysis of Academic Silence in Polish Scholarship
Critical Romani Studies, 2(2) | s. 4-22
Socjologia migracji przed pandemią i w czasach pandemii – „nowa generacja” teorii migracji i adaptacji w kontekście współczesnych wyzwań badawczych
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, nr 4 (178) | s. 7-16
“In the back of my mind, time always ticks one hour forward”: The transnational temporalities of Moldovan domestic workers in Italy
Population, Place and Space
The EU migration policy securitization process: from a domestic to a foreign dimension
Journal of Public Policy Studies | s. 105-122
Measuring the Cultural Dimension of Migrant Integration and Integration Policy in the European Context: Dilemmas and Discussions
International Migration
International Migration from Ukraine: Will Trends Increase or Go into Reverse?
Central and Eastern European Migration Review Vol. 9, No. 2, 2020 | s. 125-141
Investigating multiple-cause mortality in Poland
Studia Demograficzne | s. 53-73
Interdependences with external actors and regime persistence in Eastern Partnership countries*
East European Politics
Susceptibility of Ukrainian and Belarusian domestic actors to external actors’ approaches: puzzling patterns of transition
East European Politics
Migracje wielokrotne w Europie: polscy migranci w Wielkiej Brytanii, Holandii, Irlandii i Niemczech
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, XLVI(2 (176)) | s. 7-29
Socio-Economic Dependence on the State and Voting Behaviour in Russia.
Studia Humanistyczne AGH 19(1) | s. 105-124
Polish migrant settlement without political integration in the United Kingdom and Ireland: a comparative analysis in the context of Brexit and thin European citizenship
International Migration
(Missing) Bridging Ties and Social Capital? The Creation and Reproduction of Migrants’ Social Network Advantages: The Case of Ukrainian Migrants in Poland
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2019, | s. 95-116
Push, pull and Brexit: Polish migrants’ perceptions of factors discouraging them from staying in the UK
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 9(1) | s. 101– 123
Financial and non-financial private transfers from close ones: beyond family and kinship
Polacy w Republice Irlandii
INFOS, nr 2(268), 2020
Migration as one of several adaptation strategies for environmental limitations in Tunisia: evidence from El Faouar
Comparative Migration Studies, volume 8, Article number: 8 (2020)
Envisaging post-Brexit immobility: Polish migrants’ care intentions concerning their elderly parents
JFR - Journal of Family Research
Superdiversity and Its Relevance for Central and Eastern European Migration Studies. The Case of Polish Migrants in the UK
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2019 | s. 39-59
New rules of the game? Education and governmentality in Chinese migration to Poland
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal vol 28 (3)
’By Education I’m Catholic’. The Gender, Religion and Nationality Nexus in the Migration Experience of Polish Men to the UK
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2019 | s. 89-107
Liminalność krajobrazu kulturowego
Politeja nr 58, 2019, str. 31-45
Działania samorządów wobec migracji w kontekście zmian demograficznych. Przykład trzech polskich województw
Studia Regionalne i Lokalne Nr 3(77)/2019, str. 64-82
Roma Migrations – Transnationalism and Identity in Anthropological Perspective
Ethnologia Polona 40 (2019)
Sufrimiento En Marcha: Estrategias de Movilidad de Mexicanos Deportados de Los Estados Unidos
Apuntes: Revista de Ciencias Sociales 46 (84)
Polacy w Republice Irlandii. Historia, aktualna sytuacja i wyzwania
Studia BAS, nr 4(60) 2019, str. 31-50
Diminution de la population dans les pays anciennement communistes de l’Union européenne
Population et Societe , Numéro 567, juin 2019, 1-4.
Stan badań nad migracjami w Polsce na przełomie wieków. Próba diagnozy
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, 2(172), 2019, 7-42.
Diverse, fragile and fragmented: The new map of European migration
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 1(8), 2019 | s. 9-32
Warsaw: a new immigration city in search of its integration policy towards new comers
Routledge | s. 13-142
ANZ‐Pacific Migration Governance System
International Migration, Volume57, Issue5 ;str. 294-308
Janus-faced mobilities: motivations for migration among European youth in times of crisis
Journal of Youth Studies, 1-17
A “Good Enough” Choice: Bounded Rationality in Migration Destination Choice
Studia Migracyjne–Przegląd Polonijny” 2 (172): 43–62
Economic turbulence and labour migrants’ mobility intentions: Polish migrants in the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherlands and Germany 2009–2016
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Najbliższe czy wciąż „obce”? Integracja interakcyjna migrantek z Ukrainy zawierających małżeństwa mieszane w Polsce
Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne. Seria Nowa”’ nr 1(10)/2019, s. 83-108
Anti-immigrant attitudes in Russia: the group position model reconsidered
Europe-Asia Studies
Population decline in the post-communist countries of the European Union
Population and Societies n° 567, June 2019
Getting By or Making It? Polish Immigrants Aging in an Ethnic Enclave of Greenpoint
Polish American Studies Vol. 76, No. 1 (Spring 2019) | s. 39-57
Examining the Global North Migration Policies: A “Push Out – Push Back” Approach to Forced Migration
International Migration; Volume57, Issue 5, October 2019 | s. 280-293
Leadership struggles and challenges for diaspora policies: a case study of the Polish institutional system
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research
Krytyczna analiza naukowej ciszy, czyli dlaczego Romowie migrują (z naszego pola widzenia)
Kultura i Społeczeństwo, nr 2/2018, s. 39-67
Getting by in New York City: Bonding, Bridging and Linking Capital in Poverty–Impacted Neighborhoods
Polish American Studies, Vol 18, Issue 1, 2019
Remote fatherhood and visiting husbands: seasonal migration and men’s position within families, Comparative Migration Studies
Comparative Migration Studies, 2019, 7:2
The limits of EUrope
Global Discourse: An interdisciplinary journal of current affairs, Volume 9, Number 1 | s. pp. 5-13(9)
Seeing Like a European Border: Limits of the European Borders and Space
Global Discourse: An interdisciplinary journal of current affairs, Volume 9, Number 1, January 2019, | s. pp. 135-151(17)
Private labor market intermediaries in the Europeanized live-in care market between Germany and Poland: A typology
Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 65 (3) | s. 365-392
From mandatory to voluntary. Impact of V4 on the EU relocation scheme
Taylor and Francis
Chemical composition of utility water in the arid climate zone on the examples of Kébili and Medenine regions (southern Tunisia)
Prace Geograficzne, Zeszyt 155, s. 139-156
Antropologia migracji polskich Romów – wypełnianie luki w badaniach migracyjnych i romologicznych
Studia Romologica, nr 11/2018, str. 299-336
Polska diaspora, Polonia, emigracja. Spory pojęciowe wokół skupisk polskich za granicą
The Polish Migration Review MUZEUM EMIGRACJI W GDYNI Polski Przegląd Migracyjny 1/2018 (3)
Participation and Voting Behavior of Poles Abroad in Home Country Elections. The Case of Poles in the US and Canada in Comparative Perspective
Looking for Environmental Migrants in the Receiving Country – the Example of Migrants from Chosen Countries of North Africa in Poland
Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe, 2018, Vol. 16, No. 5
Jacy imigranci rejestrują się jako bezrobotni? Dynamika bezrobocia wśród cudzoziemców w RP
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny numer 2(168)/ 2018
Economic disengagement in state-society relations in Russia: A regional perspective
Moravian Geographical Reports 26(4), str. 230–243
Double time-bind in paid domestic work: migrant workers and their employers in Italy and Poland.
Kultura i Społeczeństwo, nr. 4 special issue „Dinamics of work and Life changes”
Mob Justice and Everyday Life: The Case of Nairobi’s Kibera and Korogocho Slums
African Studies, 78(1) | s. 385-402
Through attachment to settlement: social and psychological determinants of migrants’ intentions to stay
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
A known but uncertain path: The role of foreign labour in Polish agriculture
Journal of Rural Studies 64: 177-188
European Union Political Theories in Times of Crisis. The Cases of Economic and Monetary Union and of the European Union Migration and Asylum Policy
s. 5-21
Bezpieczeństwo rynku pracy jako kategoria w badaniach migracyjnych — wyniki badań empirycznych
s. 43-64
The Employment of Foreigners in Poland and the Labour Market Situation
Central and Eastern European Migration Review vol. 7, No. 2, 2018 | s. 53-68
European Union at the Crossroads: Which Route will Poland Take?
Routledge | s. 75-89
Bezpieczeństwo na rynku pracy jako perspektywa teoretyczna w badaniach nad migracjami zarobkowymi
s. 25-42
Negotiating masculinities: Polish male migrants in the UK – insights from an intersectional perspective
Nordic Journal for Masculinity Studies, DOI: 10.1080/18902138.2018.1533270
Europe’s borders and neighbourhood: governmentality and identity
Vol 6 (2018): CBU International Conference Proceedings 2018
Społeczne zakotwiczenie w klasowo-etnicznych formach tożsamości a integracja polskich i ukraińskich migrantów
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny, 2018(XLIV), nr 1(167)
Why We Still Need Ethnosurveys in Migration Research: Empirical Evidence From Poland
Journal of Mixed Methods Research 12.4, 458-476
Prognoza ludności dla Polski na podstawie ekonometrycznej prognozy strumieni migracyjnych
Wiadomości Statystyczne, 8(687), 2018 | s. 5-27
Mind the Gap? Quantifying Interlinkages between Two Traditions in Migration Literature
International Migration Review | s. 1-25
From pioneer migration to family reunification: Polish women’s narratives of lifestyle preferences in Bologna, Italy
Gender, Place & Culture Journal of Feminist Geography, 25(6) | s. 916-931
The direct and indirect impact of international migration on the population ageing process: A formal analysis and its application to Poland
Demographic Research, volume 38, article 43, pp. 1303-1338
Migracje pracownicze we współczesnym świecie
The Polish Migration Review, 2 (4), 2018, 9-24
Creating the Centre? Immigration Discourse in Poland and Its Effects
Eurolimes, vol. 23-24, s. 115-128.
O związkach migracyjnych pomiędzy Polską a Włochami
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2017 | 39 (4) | s. 71-86
Mixed marriages in a super-diverse society. The case of Polish- -British couples in the cities of the West Midlands
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, Vol. 166, Issue 4, pp. 13–35.
Determinanty spadku płodności w Polsce. Próba syntezy
Studia demograficzne 2(172): 35-69.
Między Wschodem a Zachodem – geograficzne ukierunkowanie polityki polonijnej i jego przemiany w latach 1989-2017
„Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej”, 15 (2017), z. 1, s. 139-158.
Znaczenie polskiej sfery welfare dla imigrantów. Opinie i praktyki ludności napływowej z wybranych krajów europejskich
Studia BAS, Nr 2(50)2017, ss. 107-128
The futures of ethnic groups in the Russian Federation
Eurasian Geography and Economics 58(3): 279-296.
From connecting to social anchoring: adaptation and ‘settlement’ of Polish migrants in the UK
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Special Issue: Rethinking integration. New perspectives on adaptation and settlement in the era of super-diversity | s. 1-18
Introduction: rethinking integration. New perspectives on adaptation and settlement in the era of super-diversity
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Special Issue: Rethinking integration. New perspectives on adaptation and settlement in the era of super-diversity, str. 1-8
„Nowa polityka polonijna” – obszar tworzenia wspólnoty czy przestrzeń gry interesów?
Problemy Polityki Społecznej. Studia i Dyskusje, nr 37(2), s. 73–89.
Ethnomoralities of care in transnational families: care intentions as a missing link between norms and arrangements
Journal of Family Studies: 1–18. | s. 1-18
Exile to Poverty: Policies and Poverty Among Refugees in Poland
International Migration 55.6 (2017) | s. 56-72
Doświadczenie Deportacji: Przemoc Orężem Suwerenności
Praktyka Teoretyczna 21(3): 54–76
Nowa, krucha mapa europejskich migracji
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, z. 1 (163)/2017, ss. 5–28
Transnarodowe wielostanowiskowe jakościowe badanie powtórzone w migrujących społecznościach lokalnych
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, t. 13, nr 3, 6‒28.
Self-employed migrants from EU Member States in Poland: differentiated professional trajectories and explanations of entrepreneurial success
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, February 2017, vol. 43(4), pages 560-577
Vietnamese in Poland: How does ethnicity affect immigrant entrepreneurship?
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, December 2016, vol. 25(4), pages 379-400
Understanding Sociopolitical Engagement of Society in Russia
Problems of Post-Communism, ss. 1-12
Mobilność edukacyjna w sytuacji migracji do korzeni: przypadek młodej polskiej diaspory ze Wschodu
Studia Migracyjne-Przegląd Polonijny, 1/163 | s. 229-258
From Drifting to Anchoring. Capturing the Experience of Ukrainian Migrants in Poland
CEEMR (Online First), 1-20
‘I Don’t Want This Town to Change’: Resistance, Bifocality and the Infra-Politics of Social Remittances
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2016 | s. 155-166
New way, old pattern. Seasonal migration from Poland to Germany
Arbor, Vol. 192 No. 777
Migracje z Ukrainy do Unii Europejskiej z perspektywy ryzyka
Politeja, nr. 42, s. 15-35
The Materiality of the State of Exception: Components of the Experience of Deportation from the United States
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 3/2
Social remittances and intra-EU mobility: nonfinancial transfers between UK and Poland
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Types of Migration: Correlates and Consequences of the New Migrant Diversity in Europe
International Migration Review (Early View)
Friend or Foe? Attitudes Towards Immigration from Other European Union Countries
SocietàMutamentoPolitica 7(13) | s. 237-254
„Kryzys ukraiński ” – czy konieczność redefinicji polskiej polityki imigracyjnej?
Uniwersytet Jagielloński | s. 37-56
Upolitycznienie procesów demograficznych — próba podejścia teoretycznego
s. 13-26
Periphery, or perhaps already the centre? The impact of ten years of membership in the European Union on the position and perceptions of Poland
Routledge | s. 251-265
Od Romani art do Jaw Dikh
w: Studia Romologica nr 9 pod red. Adama Bartosza, Wydawnictwo S-Can s.c. Muzeum Okręgowe w Tarnowie
Double Transition: University-to-Work Abroad and Adulthood
Rocznik Lubuski, 42(2a), 215-228
Upolitycznienie emigracji i diaspory. Analiza dyskursu politycznego w Polsce w latach 1991–2015
Studia Migracyjne- Przegląd Polonijny, nr 3, s. 11-30.
Paradoxes of formal social control. Criminological aspects of foreigners’ access to the Polish territory and labour market
Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Kryminologicznego im. prof. Stanisława Batawii, nr 23 | s. 79-95.
Przejawy nielegalnej migracji w Polsce
„Archiwum Kryminologii" XXVIII. Warszawa 2016 | s. 191-268
‘Other’ posts in ‘other’ places: Poland through a Postcolonial lens?
Sociology. Vol. 50(1) | s. 60-76
Migration and diversity in a post-socialist context: Creating integrative encounters in Poland
Environment and Planning A 48(5).
The Expulsion of European Union Citizens from the Host Member State: Legal Grounds and Practice
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2015 | s. 61-85
Does Ukraine Have a Policy on Emigration? Transcending the State-Centered Approach
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2014 | s. 11-26
Economic disengagement in state-society relations in Russia – analysis of a household survey
Eurasian Geography and Economics, Volume 56, Issue 5 | s. 547-574
Czy migracje położą kres UE?
Rocznik Strategiczny | s. 357-368
Relative deprivation and 'the diversity effect’ in explaining neighbourhood attachment: Alternative or complementary mechanisms?
Urban Studies, Volume 52, no. 5 | s. 984-990
Mapping the meaning of 'difference’ in Europe: A social topography of prejudice.
Ethnicities 15(4) | s. 568-585
Czy brak naturalizacji wyklucza nową tożsamość narodową? Konstruowanie tożsamości w narracjach wieloletnich imigrantów bez obywatelstwa polskiego
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, nr 4/2015, str. 146-166
Bycie imigrantką jako zasób i jako bariera. Prowadzenie działalności gospodarczej w Polsce z perspektywy kobiet z państw byłego Związku Radzieckieg
Studia Socjologiczne, nr 1/2015, str. 229-258
The Role of Different Forms of Bridging Capital for Immigrant Adaptation and Upward Mobility. The Case of Ukrainian and Vietnamese Immigrants Settled in Poland
Ethnicities, Vol. 15(3) | s. 460-490
Migracje poakcesyjne Polaków i kapitał ludzki: transfer wiedzy, umiejętności, kompetencji.
Studia Migracyjne- Przegląd Polonijny, zeszyt 2/2015 | s. 53-80
Intercultural Neighbourly Encounters in Warsaw from the Perspective of Goffman’s Sociology of Interaction
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, vol. 4 no.2, 43-60
Biographical Pathways of Roots Migration: the Case of Students of Polish Ancestry from the Post-Soviet Area
Polish Sociological Review, 1/189 | s. 69-84
Polish Emigration to the UK after 2004; Why Did So Many Come?
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, Volume 3, no. 2, December 2014 | s. 11-37
Seeking ‘the New Normal’? Troubled spaces of encountering visible differences in Warsaw
Polish Sociological Review 4(188) | s. 541-558
Role of smoking in the regional variation in mortality in Poland
Addiction, Volume 109, Issue 11 | s. 1931-1941
Migration of Graduates within a Sequential Decision Framework: Evidence from Poland
IZA Discussion Paper, no. 8573
Role-identity dynamics in care and household work – strategies of Polish workers in Naples, Italy
Qualitative sociology review. Volume X, nr 4 | s. 88-114
“Big Brother Welcomes You”: Exploring Innovative Methods for Research with Children and Young People outside of the Home and School Environments
Qualitative Research, Vol. 15(5) | s. 583-599
Children of Sánchez 50 Years Later: Agency of Transnational Children
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny Nr 3(153)/2014 | s. 33-50
Efekty migracji w odniesieniu do rynku pracy – przypadek polskich migracji poakcesyjnych
Studia BAS, Nr 4(40) | s. 55-80
Subkultura gangsterska w meksykańskiej społeczności transnarodowej jako przykład transferu społecznego.
Lud nr. 98 | s. 229-252
Intimate encounters: the negotiation of difference within the family and its implications for social relations in public space
The Geographical Journal
The Anguish of Repatriation: Immigration to Poland and Integration of Polish Descendants from Kazakhstan
East European Politics and Societies and Cultures Volume 28 Number 3 | s. 593-613
Studia transnarodowe jako przykład akademickiej współpracy międzynarodowej oraz ciekawa perspektywa teoretyczna i metodologiczna
Ameryka Łacińska, Suplement 2014 | s. 18-27
Ethnicity, Labour and Mobility in the Contemporary Borderland. A Case Study of a Transcarpathian Township
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, Vol. 3, No. 1 | s. 27-39
Neighbourhood Ties and Migrant Networks: The Case of Circular Ukrainian Migrants in Warsaw, Poland
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, Vol. 3, No. 1 | s. 41-62
Ethnicity, Labour and Mobility in the Contemporary Borderland. A Case Study of a Transcarpathian Township
Central and Eastern European Migration Review | s. 27-39
Neighbourhood Ties and Migrant Networks: The Case of Circular Ukrainian Migrants in Warsaw, Poland
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, Vol. 3, nr 1 | s. 41-62
Jak badać zmianę społeczną w małych miastach. Próba sformułowania założeń badawczych
Zoon Politikon, 2014(5) | s. 45-55
Demograficzna starość przeznaczeniem nowoczesnego społeczeństwa
Zoon Politikon, nr 5/2014 | s. 59-72
Neighbourhood Attachment in Ethnically Diverse Areas: The Role of Interethnic Ties
Urban Studies, Volume 51, no. 5 | s. 1000-1018
Procesy inkluzji migrantów a więzi i sieci społeczne wśród małżeństw mieszanych
Acta Universitatis Lodzensis Folia Sociologica, Nr 50 | s. 69-87
Kobiety romskie w Europie – główne problemy w realizacji praw
Studia Romologica nr 7 pod red. Adama Bartosza, Wydawnictwo S-Can s.c. Muzeum Okręgowe w Tarnowie
Electoral Participation of Poles Residing Abroad in National and European Parliament Elections. The Analisis of Results and Factors Influencing the Attendance.
Athenaeum, nr 44/2014 | s. 121-135
Cudzoziemcy korzystający z ochrony w Polsce
Studia BAS, Volume 4, no. 40. | s. 197-223
Migration management in the EU’s eastern neighbourhood
Journal of Sociology, nr 50 (1) | s. 65-77
The European backlash against immigration and multiculturalism
Journal of Sociology, nr 50 (1) | s. 37-50
Państwa Partnerstwa Wschodniego w polityce migracyjnej Polski i UE – dylematy i uwarunkowania
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych - Annals of Social Sciences, volume 6 (42) nr 3/2014
Globalisation, immigration and multiculturalism – the European and Australian experiences
Journal of Sociology, nr 50 (1) | s. 3-9
Ukraińscy migranci zarobkowi w Polsce – dlaczego tak trudno ich policzyć?
Studia BAS. Numer 4(40) | s. 155-174
EU Enlargement and Intra-EU Mobility – Lessons to be Drawn from the post-2004 Migration of Poles.
Intereconomics - Review of European Economic Policy, Volume 3, no. 49 | s. 128-136
Migration management in the EU’s eastern neighbourhood
Journal of Sociology 50 (1) | s. 65-77
Wokół zatrudnienia cudzoziemców z państw trzecich w Polsce
Polityka Społeczna nr 2/2014 | s. 16-20
Przejście z edukacji na zagraniczny rynek pracy młodych Polaków
Rocznik Lubuski, Tom 40, cz. 2 A | s. 167-194
The recent mortality decline in Russia: beginning of the cardiovascular revolution?
Population and Development Review, Vol. 40, Issue 1 | s. 107-129
Intra- vs. extra-regional migration in the post-Soviet space
Eurasian Geography And Economics Volume 55, Issue 2 | s. 133-155
Labour Market Behaviours of Back-and-Forth Migrants From Poland
International Migration, Vol. 52, Issue 1 | s. 22-35
Społeczno‑ekonomiczne efekty migracji międzynarodowych Polaków: kariery zawodowe i kapitał ludzki
Biuro Analiz Sejmowych, T. 40, nr 4 | s. 81-104
Umieralność z przyczyn nieznanych i niedokładnie określonych oraz jej trwałe zróżnicowanie terytorialne w Polsce
Studia Demograficzne. Nr 165, zeszyt 1. | s. 83-102
Ethnicity, Labour and Mobility in the Contemporary Borderland. A Case Study of a Transcarpathian Township
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, Vol. 3, No. 1 | s. 27-49
Polityka migracyjna Federacji Rosyjskiej w kontekście polityki zagranicznej i sytuacji demograficznej
Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Tom 20, nr 1. | s. 29-44
Migration and modernisation – an alternative. Polemic essay with Marek Okólski’s article “Modernising Impacts of Emigration”
Studia Socjologiczne 1(212) | s. 157-169
Jak badać zmianę społeczną w małych miastach. Próba sformułowania założeń badawczych
Zoon Politikon | s. 45-55
On the Differential Attachments of Migrants from Central and Eastern Europe: A Typology of Labour Migration
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Volume 39, Number 6 | s. 959-981
’You’ve got Starbucks and Coffee Heaven… I Can Do This!’ Spaces of Social Adaptation of Highly Skilled Migrants in Warsaw
Central and Eastern European Migration Review vol. 2, no. 1 | s. 117-138
Neighbourhood attachment and city identity in ethnically mixed areas: Comparison of natives and migrants in four European cities
Estudios de Psicología. T. 34, nr 3 | s. 339-343
The Economic Integration of Ukrainian and Vietnamese Migrant Women in the Polish Labour Market
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Volume 39, Issue 4. | s. 649-671
Między wizerunkiem a praktyką – diagnoza stanu wykorzystania programów komputerowych wspomagających analizę danych jakościowych w Polsce
Przegląd Socjologiczny, T. 65, nr 4 | s. 167-187
Migration and Socio-Demographic Processes in Central and Eastern Europe: Characteristics, Specificity and Internal Differences
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, vol.2, no. 1 | s. 5-11
Bezpieczny status prawny jako determinanta awansu ekonomiczno-zawodowego odmiennych grup imigrantów w Polsce
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, vol. 2, No. 1 | s. 91-115
Do Networks Do the Works? Towards Recognising (and Solving) a Migration-Entrepreneurship Conundrum
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, vol. 2, no. 2 | s. 5-19
Partycypacja obywatelska młodzieży w dzielnicy Lewisham w Londynie – relacja z wizyty studyjnej
Trzeci sektor, T. 30, nr 2 | s. 106-109
Australian Polonia: A Diaspora on the Wane?
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, vol. 2, nr 1 | s. 13-36
Migracja – epizod czy etap w życiu zawodowym?
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny, nr 4/2013 | s. 73-93
Charakterystyka migrantów powracających do Polski oraz ich aktywność zawodowa na rodzimym rynku pracy
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny, nr 4/2013 | s. 57-71
The economic integration of Ukrainian and Vietnamese Women in the Polish labour market
w: L. Nare, J. Andall (red.), Gender and the Labour Market in Europe, "Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies" Special Issue, Vol. 39, s. 649-671.
Zarys koncepcji społecznego zakotwiczenia. Inne spojrzenie na tożsamość, adaptację i integrację imigrantów
Kultura i Społeczeńswo, T. 57, nr III/2013 | s. 45-60
Ku socjologi mobilnego społeczeństwa? Rozwój nowych koncepcji migracji i integracji a socjologia
Studia Socjologiczne, T. 201, nr III/2013 | s. 31-52
To settle or to leave again? Patterns of return migration to Poland during the transition period
Central and Eastern Migration Review, t. 2, nr 1 | s. 55-76
The Dilemmas of Policy Towards Return Migration. The Case of Poland After the EU Accession
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, vol. 2, no. 1 | s. 77-90
Współczesne migracje na obszarze poradzieckim przez pryzmat koncepcji migracji poimperialnych
Central and Eastern European Migration Review Vol 2., no. 2 | s. 39-54
Znaczenie migracji w życiu zawodowym kobiet i mężczyzn
Kultura i Społeczeństwo, vol. 57, nr 3 | s. 85-108
Spatial Mobility from the Perspective of the Incomplete Migration Concept
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, vol. 1, no. 1 | s. 11-35
Selektywność emigracji i migracji powrotnych Polaków – o procesie „wypłukiwania”
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, vol. 1, no. 1 | s. 57-67
Przeszkody administracyjne egzekucji z rachunków bankowych i wkładów oszczędnościowych
Przegląd Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego
Using commercial discipline to improve Australian defence procurement: Misplaced enthusiasm?
Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol. 30, Issue 3 | s. 448-462
Recent Trends in International Migration in Poland
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, vol. 1, no. 1 | s. 69-90
The influence of the morphological processes on agriculture development in mountain valleys in semiarid areas
The Euro-Arab Organization for Environment. Water and Desert Research | s. 30-47
Modernising impacts of emigration
Studia Socjologiczne, Nr 3 (206), str. 49-79 | s. 49-79
Mobilność przestrzenna, społeczna i kariery zawodowe migrantów: cele, problemy i podejścia badawcze na podstawie badań OBM UW
Studia Migracyjne- Przegląd Polonijny, nr 2, 2012 | s. 71-103
Migracje we współczesnej analizie politologicznej -niewykorzystany potencjał
Studia Migracyjne-Przegląd Polonijny, nr 2 | s. 207-243
Immigrant Self-employment: Definitions, Concepts and Methods
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, vol. 1, no. 1 | s. 37-55
Wpływ kryzysu gospodarczego na proces migracyjny pomiędzy Polską a Islandią
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, Zeszyt 1/2012 | s. 53-95
Multidimensional diversity in two European cities: thinking beyond ethnicity
Environment and Planning A 44(12) | s. 2988-3009
Czy można połączyć ilość z jakością? Możliwości i bariery podejścia ilościowego w badaniach integracji migrantów w Polsce
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny, Nr 2 | s. 41-58
Knochenjob in Urlaub. Erlebnisse einer polnischen Saisonarbeiterin
Le Monde diplomatique. Nr. 9647
Endogenous Selection of Comparison Groups, Human Capital Formation, and Tax Policy
Economica, V.78
A Theory of Migration as a Response to Occupational Stigma
International Economic Review, V.52, nr 2 | s. 549-571
The Prospect of Migration, Sticky Wages, and „Educated Unemployment”
Review of International Economics, V.19 | s. 277-287
Polityka imigracyjna Unii Europejskiej – odpowiedź na „Kryzys migracyjny” 2011 roku
Wspólnoty Europejskie, nr 4(209) | s. 19-23
Migration for Degrading Work as an Escape from Humiliation
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, V.77, nr 3 | s. 241-247
The Region of Podkarpacie as Melting-pot of Cultures and Religions
[w:] „Acta Ethnographica Hungarica“ 56 (1), ss. 107-115.
Irregular Migration and Borders in the EU: The Southern and Eastern Perspectives
Polish Institute of International Affairs | s. 113-126
Polish students at London universities and their attitudes towards the Polish diaspora in the UK
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, nr 1/2011, str. 291-307
The Limits of Religious Individualisation of the European Muslim Elites or How Progressive is the “Progressive Islam”
Social Compass 58 (2) | s. 1-10
Charakter prawny rozstrzygnięcia sprawy wizowej w świetle Wspólnotowego Kodeksu Wizowego
Przegląd Prawa Europejskiego i Międzynarodowego 1(27)
On the Economic Architecture of the Workplace: Repercussions of Social Comparisons amongst Heterogeneous Workers
Journal of Labor Economics, V.29, nr 2 | s. 349-375
Zagadnienie prawa do odwołania administracyjnego –źródło, istota i granice
Casus 57 | s. 29-34
Poakcesyjne migracje Polaków – próba bilansu
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny. Zeszyt 4 | s. 5-36
Casting the Naturalization of Asylum Seekers as an Economic Problem
Economics Letters, V.108 | s. 286-290
Poakcesyjne migracje Polaków – ciągłość czy zmiana?
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny. Zeszyt 4 | s. 37-54
O polityce w religii i religii w polityce
Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im. Ks. J. Tischnera | s. 9-13