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Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami

Agnieszka Radziwinowiczówna. 2021.

The Post-Deportation Desperation and Refunneling of Aspirations of the Mexicans Deported from the United States


Transfers, tom 11, numer 2

doi: 10.3167/TRANS.2021.110206




This article uses Carling's aspiration/ability model and the social anchoring concept proposed by Grzymala-Kazlowska to explain the post-deportation experience of Mexicans deported from the United States of America. I analyze how deported people's aspirations are shaped by US migration policies and by their families, as well as by local community obligations. The data comes from seven years of longitudinal research in a rural community in Oaxaca. I conclude that under the immobility regime produced by the US for the deported Mexicans, their aspirations of remigration evolve into desperation. Often unable to remigrate to the US, they are stuck in a limbo of desperation until they refunnel their aspirations and anchor them in Mexico. At the same time, they resynchronize their life courses with other community members.

Słowa kluczowe

aspiration/ability model; deportation; desperation; longitudinal research; Mexican migration; migration aspirations; refunneling; social anchoring