Katarzyna Andrejuk.
Znaczenie polskiej sfery welfare dla imigrantów. Opinie i praktyki ludności napływowej z wybranych krajów europejskich
Studia BAS, Nr 2(50)2017, ss. 107-128
Polish welfare in the eyes of immigrants: In order to explain attitudes towards the Polish welfare system the author analyses the statistical data and in‑depth interviews with foreigners living in Poland. The topics discussed included, in‑ter alia, health care, education, invalidity and old‑age pension, and safeguards against poverty. The article begins by presenting the methodology and the legal framework. The second section describes experience of Ukrainian labour migrants with the Polish welfare with particular attention given to the practices
they apply and, as well as comparison between Polish and Ukrainian welfare systems. Next, the experience of citizens of western EU member states is described
Słowa kluczowe
imigranci w Polsce, Ukraińcy w Polsce, obywatele UE w Polsce, hipoteza magnesu państwa dobrobytu