Przejdź do głównej treści Przejdź do nawigacji
Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami

Alina Burliai, Andrzej Drozd, Tetiana Gomon, Marta Jaroszewicz, Paweł Kaczmarczyk, Agnieszka Kosowicz, Hanna Smaliichuk, Magdalena Wnuk. 2023.

Jak poważne jest ryzyko utraty kwalifikacji przez uchodźców wojennych z Ukrainy (i co możemy z tym zrobić)


CMR Spotlight 9(54)

Research at CMR has demonstrated that while the labour market incorporation of Ukrainians in Poland has been spectacular, skill-matching and finding a job corresponding to the competencies and aspirations of war refugees remains a serious challenge. To counter the risk of a negative impact of the war on the careers and well-being of Ukrainians in Poland, the CMR has organised “Skills for the Future” – a support program for people with a background in social, economic or related fields, organised as part of the “UW for Ukraine” initiative. It included courses, a summer school, and mentoring activities. The Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce also offered its support. In this issue, the organisers and participants share their experiences.